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Did Irish immigrants own slaves?

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Irish immigrants in the United States did not typically own slaves themselves, as they tended to be among the poorer classes. However, some Irish immigrants may have worked in industries or situations where slave labor was present.

When did the debate on same-sex marriage begin?

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In the 1970s, there was a male-male couple in Minnesota that sued for the right to marry, but their case was dismissed by the US Supreme Court. Also in the 1970s, the state of California changed all of their statutes to gender-neutral language, which some viewed as a loophole to allow same-sex marriage, but the loophole was closed by the legislature. In 1989, Denmark began registering civil partnerships of same-sex couples. In the 1990s, there was some talk of Hawaii possibly legalizing same-sex marriage and the US Congress responded by passing the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act ("DOMA") which prohibits federal recognition of same-sex marriage and permits states to do the same. In 2000, Vermont began issuing civil union certificates to same-sex couples and treating them the same as legal marriages. In 2001, the Netherlands became the first country to legalize same-sex marriage. In 2004, Massachusetts became the first US state to legalize same-sex marriage.

Is selling drugs illegal?

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Yes, selling drugs is illegal in most countries because it is against the law to possess, distribute, or sell controlled substances without proper authorization. Doing so can lead to criminal charges, imprisonment, and other legal consequences.

Why did immigrants face prejudice in America?

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People thought immigrants were taking jobs away from citizens. Americans also did not understand the new religious customs immigrants brought with them.

What happens when a 14 year old gets pregnant by a 16 year old Florida?

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In Florida, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 16 to engage in sexual activity with someone older, even if it's consensual. The 16-year-old could potentially face charges of statutory rape. The situation would likely be investigated by law enforcement and could involve legal consequences for all parties involved.

Is it against the law for calling someone gay?

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Calling someone gay is not inherently against the law, but using homophobic language in a derogatory or discriminatory manner can constitute hate speech and may be punishable under certain anti-discrimination laws or workplace policies. It is important to be respectful and mindful of the impact of our words on others.

Where do you file for divorce you were married in New York and now you reside in Houston Texas?

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You'll need to file for divorce in Texas, specifically in the county where you currently reside in Houston. Texas family law will govern your divorce proceedings, even though you were married in New York. You can consult with a family law attorney in Texas to guide you through the process.

Can you and your boyfriend get in trouble with the law if hes 18 and im 14 but were not having sex?

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It is still illegal for an 18-year-old to have a romantic relationship with a 14-year-old due to age of consent laws. It is important to be aware of the legal implications and potential consequences of such a relationship, even if sex is not involved. It is best to seek advice from a legal professional in your area.

How did William wells brown help slaves escape?

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William Wells Brown helped slaves escape by using his position as a lecturer and writer to spread abolitionist ideas, as well as working closely with the Underground Railroad to assist slaves in their journey to freedom. He also used his writing to draw attention to the issues of slavery and encourage others to take action in supporting the abolitionist cause.

What did the captors do if slaves in the ship tried to escape?

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If slaves tried to escape from a ship, captors would typically punish them by whipping, chaining, or even killing them as a deterrent to others. These acts were meant to maintain control and prevent further attempts at rebellion or escape.

Can a convicted felon get a marijuana growing license?

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It would depend on the state laws and regulations regarding marijuana growing licenses. In some states, being a convicted felon may disqualify an individual from obtaining a license, while in others there may be a process for consideration on a case-by-case basis. It is important to research the specific laws in the state where the license is being sought.

How many times has facebook been sued?

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Facebook has been sued numerous times for various reasons, including privacy breaches, antitrust concerns, and content moderation issues. The exact number of lawsuits against Facebook is difficult to pinpoint due to the constant filing and resolution of legal cases.

Are white people going extinct or is that some hoax to scare people?

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The idea that white people are going extinct is a hoax. The global population of white people is still significant and projected to remain so in the foreseeable future. Such claims are often rooted in misinformation and fear-mongering.

Can an 18 year old and a 14 year old date in Florida?

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No, in Florida the legal age of consent is 18, so it is illegal for a 18 year old to date a 14 year old. Engaging in a romantic or sexual relationship with a minor could lead to criminal charges, such as statutory rape. It is important to respect age of consent laws and boundaries to avoid legal consequences.

What food does hippies eat?

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Hippies often follow a plant-based diet, focusing on fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. They also typically avoid processed foods and prefer organic and locally sourced ingredients. Many hippies also incorporate natural and sustainable food choices into their diet, such as eating foods free from pesticides and GMOs.

How many mute people in the world?

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It is difficult to provide an exact number as the prevalence of mutism varies by region and the reasons for being mute can also differ. However, it is estimated that millions of people worldwide experience some form of mutism, whether temporary or permanent.

What amendment says no one can be forced to become a slave?

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The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude, with the exception of punishment for a crime.

What are some of the ways slaves resisted their masters?

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Slaves resisted their masters in various ways, including through acts of sabotage, feigning illness or ignorance, forming underground networks, and engaging in subtle forms of defiance such as breaking tools or working slowly. These acts of resistance were crucial in maintaining a sense of autonomy and challenging the oppressive systems of slavery.

Why is aparthied unfair?

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Apartheid is unfair because it imposes a system of racial segregation and discrimination, depriving certain racial groups of their rights and freedoms based solely on their ethnicity. It leads to inequality, injustice, and violation of basic human rights for those who are marginalized and oppressed under such a system.

What was a slaves living quaters like?

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Slave living quarters varied widely depending on location, time period, and the circumstances of slavery. In the American South, slaves often lived in cramped, basic structures made of wood or mud with little privacy, poor ventilation, and minimal amenities. These quarters were frequently overcrowded and unsanitary, contributing to the physical and emotional hardship endured by slaves.

What is the difference between a king and a chief?

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A king holds a formal position of authority within a monarchy, often hereditary, with absolute power over his subjects. A chief, on the other hand, is a leader in a tribal or clan-based society, typically chosen for their wisdom, bravery, or ability to lead, with authority derived from their community's respect and support.

Is Bitty Schram left handed?

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There is no verified information available indicating that actress Bitty Schram is left-handed.

How does a slave become a freeman?

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A slave can become a freeman by being granted freedom by their owner or through a legal process such as manumission or emancipation. Manumission is the act of freeing a slave by their owner, while emancipation is the legal process of granting freedom to a slave by a governing authority.

What can a manager do to discourage social loafing in a group?

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Managers can discourage social loafing by setting clear performance expectations for each team member, actively monitoring individual contributions, providing regular feedback on performance, and holding team members accountable for their work. Encouraging a culture of open communication and collaboration can also help in promoting individual accountability within the group.