

The Necklace

The Necklace is a short story by Guy de Maupassant. It is about a covetous lady, who caused hardships for her husband by always wanting more. In this category you can find questions about the moral of this short story, its characters and its theme.

606 Questions

Which lines in this excerpt from Guy de Maupassant's short story Boule de Suif suggest that the resistance activities of the civilians were more courageous than those of the armed soldiers?

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In the excerpt from "Boule de Suif," lines that suggest the civilians' resistance as more courageous than that of the soldiers are: "Others looted provisions from the invaders, under their very noses...the peasants' wives, in spite of the enemy's presence." These lines indicate the civilians directly confronting the enemy and risking their safety to resist, while the soldiers may be more constrained due to their military obligations.

Can powder underneath necklace keep it from turning around?

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Powder can help reduce friction between the necklace and your skin, which may prevent it from turning around. However, there are other methods like using clear nail polish on the chain or getting an adjustable chain to keep the necklace centered.

What does JC stand for on a necklace?

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JC can stand for a person's initials, a brand name such as Juicy Couture, or a religious reference to Jesus Christ. The meaning of JC on a necklace would depend on the specific context or person wearing it.

What is a name for one of the glass balls on a necklace?

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A glass ball on a necklace is typically called a "pendant" or a "charm." It can also be referred to as a "glass orb" or "glass sphere."

What country is home to Mme?

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Mme is a common abbreviation for the country Madagascar.

What is the moral of the story of the necklace?

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The moral lesson is be honest with people when you have lost their necklace and be thankful for what you have!
A person should not be so proud as to pretend to be someone in a higher station in life than he or she really is. If Mme. Loisel had not pretended to be a person of higher status, she would not have borrowed the necklace. By all means, become such a person, but do not pretend. Also, dishonesty will likely lead to regrettable consequences. Had Mme. Loisel been honest about losing the necklace, she would not have had to pay such a high price to replace it.

Which one of the following reasons most probably explains why the loisels do not tell Me. forestier that the necklace is lost?

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The Loisels do not tell Madame Forestier that the necklace is lost because they are afraid of her reaction and the consequences of admitting their mistake. They hope to find a way to replace the lost necklace without her knowing, to avoid embarrassment and potential financial burden.

What are Monsieur loisel inner thoughts?

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Monsieur Loisel's inner thoughts are primarily focused on his frustration and disappointment with his wife, Mathilde, who is constantly unhappy with their simple life and constantly yearns for a more glamorous lifestyle. He also feels overwhelmed by her demands and wishes she would be content with what they have. However, he loves her deeply and tries to give her what she desires, even if it means sacrificing his own comfort.

Why do you think did mathilde loisel act and think the way she did as far as her status in life was concerned?

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Mathilde Loisel acted and thought the way she did due to her dissatisfaction with her social status and material possessions. She was unhappy with her simple life and yearned for a more lavish and luxurious lifestyle. This discontentment drove her to make decisions that ultimately led to her downfall in "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant.

Would you agree that Mme loisel was spoiltgive example to support your answer?

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Yes, Mme Loisel can be considered spoiled because of her constant desires for material things. An example of this is her reaction to receiving the invitation to a fancy ball - instead of appreciating the opportunity, she becomes upset because she feels she doesn't have a suitable dress to wear.

What is the most likely reason that the loisel are upset about losing the necklace?

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The Loisels are upset about losing the necklace because they believe it is a valuable piece of jewelry and they cannot afford to replace it. They fear the consequences of returning a necklace that is not the original one, leading to a sense of anxiety and desperation. The necklace symbolizes their social status and has caused them financial hardship.

Why had M Loisel been saving 400 francs in the necklace?

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Mme Loisel had been saving 400 francs in order to buy a suitable dress to wear to a high-society event they had been invited to. She wanted to look elegant and fit in with the other guests.

Why do you think did mathilde loisel act and think the way she did as far as her status in life?

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Mathilde Loisel acted and thought the way she did because she was unhappy with her social status and constantly compared herself to those with more wealth and privilege. She let her desire for material things and societal validation cloud her judgment and prevented her from appreciating the good things she had in her life. This led her to make choices that ultimately brought her more suffering and regrets.

How would you describe Mme Loisel's experiences at the ball prior to realizing the missing necklace?

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Mme Loisel experiences a sense of joy and luxury at the ball, feeling elevated by the glamorous surroundings and attention from others. She revels in the temporary escape from her ordinary life and is captivated by the fantasy of being a woman of higher social status.

Why pangalapang necklace important in ifugao?

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The pangalapang necklace is important in Ifugao culture as it is a symbol of wealth, social status, and beauty. It is traditionally worn by women during ceremonies and special occasions to showcase their family's prosperity and to display intricate craftsmanship. The necklace is also believed to offer protection and good luck to the wearer.

What do monsiuer Loisel reactions to her suggest about him?

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Monsieur Loisel's reaction to Madame Loisel's desire for a fancier lifestyle suggests that he may be more practical and content with their current situation. He seems to value simplicity and stability, unlike his wife who yearns for luxury and material possessions. His initial hesitation to spend money they don't have reflects a more responsible and cautious nature.

Which of thefollowing statements best summarizes the necklace?

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"The Necklace" is a short story by Guy de Maupassant that explores themes of materialism, social class, and the consequences of deceit. It follows the life of Madame Loisel, who borrows a diamond necklace to fit in at a high society event, only to lose it and suffer the repercussions of her actions. The story ultimately serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of vanity and the pursuit of wealth.

What lesson or lessons were learned abuot life and living?

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Life is unpredictable and should be cherished in the present moment. It's important to show gratitude, cultivate meaningful relationships, and pursue personal growth and happiness. Embracing change and resilience in the face of challenges is key to living a fulfilling life.

Which event from the necklace is least inportant?

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The invitation to the ball is arguably the least important event in "The Necklace" as it simply serves as the catalyst for Mathilde's downfall, ignoring the true value of her current life.

What is the resolution of the conflict in the necklace?

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In "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant, the resolution occurs when Mathilde discovers that the necklace she borrowed was actually a fake and not a real diamond necklace she thought she lost. This revelation serves as the climax of the story, highlighting the theme of appearances versus reality and the consequences of vanity and greed. Ultimately, the conflict is resolved when Mathilde and her husband work hard for ten years to pay off the debt incurred to replace the necklace.

What is the theme of the necklace that concern of the danger of attaching important to wealth?

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The theme of "The Necklace" is the danger of valuing material possessions over true happiness and the consequences of living beyond one's means in pursuit of wealth and social status. The story explores how Madame Loisel's desire for material wealth and status ultimately leads to her downfall and a realization that true happiness cannot be bought.

What lesson about life did you learn from the story of the diamond necklace?

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The story of the diamond necklace teaches us the importance of honesty and humility. It highlights how vanity and desire for social status can lead to downfall. The story reminds us that true happiness does not come from material possessions or appearances, but from being true to oneself.

How was the Loisels life changed after they had paid for the new necklace?

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After paying for the new necklace, the Loisels had to work hard for ten years to repay the debt, which significantly affected their quality of life by forcing them into poverty. They lived a frugal and difficult life, experiencing a downward spiral of financial hardship and loss.

Put the following events of the lives of Mathilde and Loisel in order beginning with the earliest?

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  1. Mathilde borrows a necklace from her friend.
  2. Mathilde loses the necklace at the party.
  3. Mathilde and her husband, Loisel, spend years working to repay the cost of a replacement necklace.
  4. Mathilde and Loisel attend a party hosted by the Minister of Education.

What is the lesson of the necklace?

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The lesson of "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant is about the danger of valuing material possessions over true happiness and the consequences of being consumed by social status and appearances. It serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of being grateful for what one has and not getting caught up in the pursuit of wealth and status.