



A truly healthy person has a sound body and mind that is free of disease and infirmity. Healthy living includes taking the steps needed to optimize one's chances of surviving and thriving, like eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Questions relating to all aspects of health and living a healthy life are welcome here!

160,607 Questions

What is the life expectancy of the ave 82 year old white male?

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life expectancy of 82 year old white male

What is the main cause of sensory hearing loss?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

The primary cause of sensorineural hearing loss is damage to the inner ear or the auditory nerve. This can be due to various factors such as aging, genetics, exposure to loud noises, certain medications, infections, head trauma, and other medical conditions.


What are the health risk associated with teenage pregnancy?

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Some of the health risks associated with teenage pregnancy include:

  1. Complications during pregnancy and childbirth: Teenagers are at a higher risk of developing complications during pregnancy and childbirth, such as high blood pressure, premature birth, and low birth weight.

  2. Increased risk of STDs: Teenage mothers are more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors and may not use contraception consistently, putting them at a higher risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections.

  3. Emotional and mental health issues: Teenage pregnancy can lead to increased levels of stress, anxiety, and depression in both the mother and the father. This can have long-term effects on their mental health and well-being.

  4. Poor prenatal care: Teenagers may delay seeking prenatal care or not receive adequate care during their pregnancy, which can lead to complications for both the mother and the baby.

  5. Financial challenges: Teenage parents may struggle financially to provide for their child, leading to added stress and potential health issues related to inadequate nutrition and living conditions.

  6. Impact on education and future opportunities: Teenage pregnancy can disrupt a teenager's education and future opportunities, leading to lower levels of income and financial stability in the long run.

  7. Increased likelihood of repeat pregnancies: Teenage mothers are more likely to have subsequent pregnancies at a young age, increasing the risks and challenges associated with multiple pregnancies during adolescence.

Overall, teenage pregnancy can have significant health risks and challenges for both the mother and the baby, underscoring the importance of comprehensive sexual education, access to contraception, and support services for teenage parents.


Can you get E. coli from prostate biopsy?

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It is possible to potentially develop a urinary tract infection such as E. coli after a prostate biopsy procedure, as the biopsy needle can introduce bacteria into the urinary tract. However, this risk is generally low and can be further reduced by following proper sterile techniques during the biopsy and taking appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis before and after the procedure. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider about any concerns or symptoms following a prostate biopsy.


Can knee strain lead into arthritis?

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Yes, knee strain can lead to arthritis over time. Repeated stress and injury to the knee joint can cause wear and tear on the cartilage, leading to inflammation and eventually arthritis. Proper care and treatment of knee strain are essential to prevent long-term joint damage.

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Can you put wave nouveau on top of a perm or relaxer?

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Asked by Wiki User

NO, NO, NO, NO!!!! Your hair will SERIOUSLY break off and become damaged. The only way to put in a wave nouveau "on top" of a relaxer is to cut out or grow out the relaxer first. PERIOD. Anyone who tells you that it is possible is not the person to do your hair. Ask any professional hair stylist. If they're in any way a good stylist they will know this basic rule concerning a wave nouveau. NO, NO, NO, NO!!!! Your hair will SERIOUSLY break off and become damaged. The only way to put in a wave nouveau "on top" of a relaxer is to cut out or grow out the relaxer first. PERIOD. Anyone who tells you that it is possible is not the person to do your hair. Ask any professional hair stylist. If they're in any way a good stylist they will know this basic rule concerning a wave nouveau.

What is best solution for back pain?

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Asked by DrToddSinettgp1502

The best solution for back pain may vary depending on the individual and the underlying cause of the pain. However, some common solutions for managing and relieving back pain include:

  1. Rest and gentle movement: In the case of acute back pain, it is important to rest initially but then gradually introduce gentle movement to prevent stiffness and promote healing.

  2. Heat and cold therapy: Applying heat or cold packs to the affected area can help reduce inflammation and provide relief from pain.

  3. Over-the-counter pain medications: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen can help reduce pain and inflammation in the back.

  4. Physical therapy: A physical therapist can provide exercises, stretches, and techniques to help improve flexibility, strength, and posture, which can alleviate back pain.

  5. Massage therapy: Massage can help relax muscles, improve circulation, and reduce tension in the back, leading to pain relief.

  6. Chiropractic care: Chiropractic adjustments and manipulations can help realign the spine and reduce pain and discomfort in the back.

  7. Acupuncture: Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese therapy that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to promote pain relief and healing.


What to do if someone faint?

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  1. Stay calm and assess the situation. Check for any immediate dangers or hazards.

  2. Gently lay the person down on their back on a flat surface. Elevate their legs to help improve blood flow to the brain.

  3. Check the person's airway, breathing, and pulse. If they are not breathing or do not have a pulse, call for emergency medical assistance immediately and begin CPR if you are trained to do so.

  4. Loosen any tight clothing around the neck and chest to help improve breathing.

  5. Check for any signs of injury or trauma, such as bleeding or broken bones. If there are any visible injuries, do not move the person unless necessary.

  6. Keep the person calm and reassure them when they regain consciousness. Offer them water and ensure they are in a safe and comfortable position.

  7. If the person does not regain consciousness within a few minutes, call for emergency medical assistance immediately.

  8. Monitor the person's condition and stay with them until help arrives.

  9. If the person has a history of fainting episodes or underlying medical conditions, such as heart problems or low blood sugar, make sure to inform the medical professionals when they arrive.


What liquid dehydrates you?

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Asked by Cdewees500

Any liquid that contains alcohol. Alcohol is a diuretic. Soda and coffee also dehydrate you. This is because they are high in sugar.

What are Scottish midges?

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The highland midge is a species of biting midge found across the Palearctic in upland and lowland areas. In the north west of Scotland, and down the Western coast to north Wales, the highland midge is usually very prevalent from late spring to late summer. CND Hearing Solutions Ltd is Independently (NZ) owned. Ear Wax Removal in Auckland the company was started in 2014 by Chris Joseph who is an NZAS Qualified Audiometrist and the Director of the company.

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What working practice and approach ensures equality and inclusion?

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Embracing diversity through open communication, unbiased policies, and continuous education ensures equality and inclusion in the workplace. Create a culture where everyone feels valued and heard.

What are the differences between Thai cuisine and Korean cuisine?

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Thai cuisine uses many tropical spices, fruits, coconut milk and fiery peppers and features many seafood ingredients. Korean cuisine is more earthy, relying heavily on pickled goods(including KimChee) and featuring braised meats. Both use rice and utilize charcoal grilling as a means of preparation.

How does exercise addiction affect a person's health?

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Exercise addiction, like any form of addiction, can have profound effects on a person's health, both physically and mentally. While exercise is generally beneficial for overall well-being, when it becomes an obsession, it can lead to a range of negative consequences.

Physically, exercise addiction can result in overtraining syndrome. This occurs when the body is pushed beyond its ability to recover, leading to fatigue, decreased performance, and increased risk of injuries. Chronic overexertion can cause muscle strains, stress fractures, and joint damage, undermining the very health benefits that moderate exercise provides. Additionally, the immune system can become compromised, making the body more susceptible to infections and illnesses.

Nutritional deficiencies are another concern. Those addicted to exercise may not consume enough calories or nutrients to meet the demands of their intense physical activity. This imbalance can lead to issues such as anemia, weakened bones, and hormonal disruptions. For example, in women, excessive exercise can lead to amenorrhea, the absence of menstruation, which is a sign of underlying hormonal imbalances that can affect fertility and bone health.

Mentally, exercise addiction often stems from deeper psychological issues such as anxiety, body dysmorphia, or a desire for control. The compulsive need to exercise can lead to social isolation, as individuals prioritize their workout routines over relationships and social activities. This isolation can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and depression.

Moreover, the addiction can create a distorted self-image and an unhealthy relationship with one's body. The constant pursuit of fitness goals can result in dissatisfaction and a perpetual sense of inadequacy, no matter how fit or healthy the individual becomes. This relentless pursuit can overshadow other aspects of life, such as career, hobbies, and personal growth, leading to an imbalanced and unfulfilling existence.

Recovery from exercise addiction requires a holistic approach. Recognizing the issue is the first step. Seeking professional help, such as therapy or counseling, can address the underlying psychological factors and help develop healthier coping mechanisms. Establishing a balanced exercise routine that includes rest days and diverse physical activities can prevent overtraining and promote overall well-being.

Incorporating mindfulness practices, such as meditation and yoga, can help reconnect with the body in a compassionate and non-judgmental way. These practices can foster a deeper appreciation for the body’s capabilities and limitations, encouraging a more balanced and nurturing approach to physical health.

Building a support system of friends, family, or support groups can provide encouragement and accountability. Sharing experiences and challenges with others who understand can be incredibly healing and empowering.

In essence, while exercise is an important component of a healthy lifestyle, addiction to it can be detrimental. It is a reminder that balance is key, and that true well-being encompasses not just physical fitness, but mental and emotional health as well. By addressing the root causes of exercise addiction and fostering a more holistic approach to health, one can achieve a harmonious and fulfilling life.

Is it bad to make yourself faint even once?

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No, except you are doing it too often or suffer heart or brain illnesses making yourself faint is harmless. However, it's not recommended because there's no benefit from doing it, but some methods can be dangerous.

  • Never use ropes or other things to choke yourself, it's extreme dangerous!
  • Be sure you are standing on the soft place (grass / sand / snow / large mat) and there are no obstacles in any direction before trying to make yourself faint! Unconsciousness will drop you suddenly without any chance to break the uncontrollable fall. It's better don't rely on a friend to catch you.
  • It's better to avoid methods including choking/pressing arteries in the necks at all.

Can canned food cause food poisoning?

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Canned food can cause food poisoning if improperly processed or stored. Botulism, a rare but severe illness, can result from damaged or bulging cans. Always check for dents, rust, or leaks before consuming. Proper storage and adherence to expiration dates significantly reduce risks. When in doubt, it's safer to discard suspicious cans.

Definition of social problems?

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Social problems refer to issues or conditions that negatively affect individuals or society as a whole, often resulting from structural inequalities or injustices. These problems can involve aspects such as poverty, discrimination, inequality, crime, and inadequate access to resources or opportunities. Addressing social problems may require collective action, policy changes, and efforts to promote social justice and equality.

What are Oxytocin and ADH secreted by?

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Oxytocin is secreted by the posterior pituitary gland, while ADH (antidiuretic hormone) is also secreted by the posterior pituitary gland.

How did the rise of private health insurance impact health care?

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The rise of private health insurance in illinois has had a significant impact on health care in several ways:

  1. Access to Health Care:

Increased Access: Private health insurance has allowed more individuals to access health care services by reducing the out-of-pocket costs for medical care. This has particularly benefited those who might not qualify for public health programs.

Disparities in Access: However, access to private health insurance often depends on employment status and income, leading to disparities where some individuals have comprehensive coverage while others remain uninsured or underinsured.

  1. Health Care Costs:

Cost Shifting: The rise of private health insurance has contributed to the practice of cost-shifting, where health care providers charge private insurers higher rates to compensate for lower payments from public programs like Medicare and Medicaid.

Administrative Costs: Private insurance involves significant administrative costs related to billing, claims processing, and marketing, which can drive up overall health care spending.

  1. Quality of Care:

Innovation and Competition: Private health insurers often compete on the quality of their plans, which can lead to innovations in care delivery and improvements in patient services.

Incentives and Quality Metrics: Many private insurers use quality metrics and financial incentives to encourage health care providers to improve the quality of care, such as through value-based payment models.

  1. Health Care Utilization:

Increased Utilization: Individuals with private health insurance are more likely to use health care services, including preventive care, screenings, and elective procedures, compared to those without insurance.

Overutilization: There can also be overutilization of health care services, driven by the availability of insurance coverage and fee-for-service payment models that incentivize more procedures and tests.

  1. Health Outcomes:

Improved Outcomes: Access to private health insurance is generally associated with better health outcomes due to timely access to care, preventive services, and treatment for chronic conditions.

Equity Concerns: Despite overall improvements, disparities in health outcomes persist, particularly for low-income populations and those without access to private insurance.

  1. Market Dynamics:

Provider Networks: Private insurers often create networks of preferred providers, which can limit patient choice but also negotiate lower prices with providers.

Market Consolidation: The growth of private health insurance has sometimes led to consolidation in both the insurance and provider markets, impacting competition and pricing dynamics.

  1. Policy and Regulation:

Regulatory Environment: The private health insurance market is heavily regulated to ensure consumer protection, manage premium rates, and ensure coverage of essential health benefits.

Public-Private Interaction: Private health insurance often interacts with public health programs, such as through the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which expanded access to private insurance through marketplaces and subsidies.

Overall, while private health insurance has improved access to health care for many and driven certain quality improvements, it has also contributed to complex challenges related to cost, equity, and market dynamics in the health care system

How big is a bats brain?

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A bat's brain is relatively small compared to its body size, typically around the size of a large marble or a grape. Despite its small size, bats have highly developed brains that are adapted for echolocation and flying, allowing them to navigate and hunt effectively in the dark.

What do astronauhts eat and drink?

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Astronauts eat a variety of freeze-dried and dehydrated foods, such as fruit, nuts, and meats, that are rehydrated with water. They also have specially packaged drinks that provide them with the necessary nutrients and hydration in space. Special care is taken to ensure that the food and drinks are safe for consumption in a zero-gravity environment.

What concepts behind the nature versus nurture issue?

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The nature versus nurture issue explores the debate about the relative importance of genetic inheritance versus environmental factors in influencing human traits and behavior. Nature refers to heredity, the influence of genetic inheritance on traits, while nurture refers to environmental factors such as upbringing and life experiences. This debate plays a significant role in understanding how individuals develop and the roles that genetics and environment play in shaping who we are.

How do you know a cat needs to poop or pee?

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You can tell a cat needs to eliminate by observing signs such as restlessness, frequent visits to the litter box, scratching or digging near the box, vocalization, or signs of discomfort. It's important to monitor your cat's litter box habits regularly to ensure they are urinating and defecating normally.

What is the examination of the physical and chemical properties of urine?

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The examination of the physical and chemical properties of urine is called urinalysis. It involves testing various components such as color, clarity, pH, specific gravity, protein, glucose, ketones, and blood in order to assess kidney function and detect possible medical conditions.

Which structure is not found in the scrotum?

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The liver is not found in the scrotum. The scrotum houses the testicles, epididymis, and spermatic cord.

Advantages of possessing a body cavity?

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Possessing a body cavity provides protection and support for internal organs, allows for efficient movement and flexibility, and facilitates the development of specialized organ systems within the cavity. This structural organization also enables different organ systems to work together in coordination to support various physiological functions.