

Are all rectangels regular

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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It depends on what you consider a rectangle.

A square is a special type of rectangle (and not vise versa).If you go by that a rectangle is simply a four-sided figure, then you go by that a square is a spacial type of rectangle that has all sides congruent. If this is the case, then no, not all rectangles are regular as a "regular" rectangle would be considered a square. A rectangle is a parallelogram (and not vise versa).If you go by that a four-sided figure is called a parallelogram, then there are more rules you go by. You would say that there are three spacial types of parallelograms. One is a rhombus, a parallelogram with four congruent sides.

The second is a rectangle, a parallelogram with four right-angles. The third is a special type of parallelogram as well as a rhombus. A square is a parallelogram with four equal sides and four right-angles. A square is also classified as a rhombus with four right-angles. In this case, no, a square would be a regular rectangle.

A rectangle is a four-sided figure.If you go by the rule that a square is not a rectangle, then yes, all rectangles are regular, unless you think a parallelogram is a type of rectangle, in that case, no.
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