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Q: Are all smooth muscle cells connected by gap junctions?
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What best describes the cells of unitary smooth muscle?

Smooth muscle is the involuntarily controlled muscle. In unitary smooth muscle, the cells are connected by gap junctions and are controlled by the autonomic nervous system and hormones.

What type muscle cells are arranged in sheets or layers with adjacent muscle cells electrically connected by gap junctions and mechanically connected by dense bodies?


Are cardia muscle cells electrically connected by gap junctions and behave as a single unit?

Because cardiac muscle cells are electrically connected by gap junctions, the entire myocardium behaves like a single unit, a functional syncytium.

How are single unit and multi-unit smooth muscle cells alike and different?

Single-unit smooth muscle are coupled with one another through gap junctions and they work as a single unit (wave-like). I believe this is myogenic. Multi-unit smooth muscle on the other hand, act indepently (not wave-like) and are neurogenic (stimulated by neurons). These are not coupled by jap junctions like the single-unit smooth muscle are.

What attaches cardiac muscle fibers together?

The myocardial cells are connected through tight junctions and gap junctions between the cell membranes of adjacent cells. The myocardium as a whole is covered by the pericardium on the outside and the endocardium on the inside.

What structural component of cardiac muscle cell allows for electrical current to flow from cell to cell?

Gap junctions. Gap junctions are connecting channels made of proteins that permit the movement of ions or water between two adjacent cells. They are commonly found in cardiac and smooth muscle cells.Read more: what-are-gap-junctions

What are the two types of cellular junctions found at intercalated disc?

Cardiac muscle is network of branched fibers (cells) connected by gap junctions called intercalated disks.

Which type of muscles contain spindle shaped cells?

Skeletal muscle tissue has cylindrical cells. Due to the cells in the skeletal muscle, the muscle can now allow movement to the bones in the body.

Is smooth muscle cells voluntary?

no, skeletal muscle cells are

What is the general shape of smooth muscle cells and plant fibers?

smooth muscle cells are spindle shaped

How are smooth muscle cells similar to skeletal fibers?

Smooth muscle cells are similar to skeletal muscle cells due to the actin-tropomyosin interactions. These interactions "tell" the muscle when to contract.

Which type of muscle is characterized by cells with tapered ends and a single nucleus?

Smooth muscle