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No,For example yeast

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Q: Are all the members of kingdom fungi made of many cells?
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What kingdom are eukaryote belong in?

An organism is made up of several eukaryotic cells and eats only dead organisms. It is made up of several eukaryotic cells so it is not Kingdom Monera. It eats dead organisms, so it is probably a decomposer and apart of the Kingdom Fungi.

What kingdoms that are made up of members without a nucleus in their cells?

Protoctista Kingdom

What are the cell of fungi made of?

Mushrooms are a fungus. Yum. If you want to go on a smaller scale, mushrooms are made up of cells. Any living thing is made up of cells, but non-living things, like the elements, are made of atoms and molecules.

What is a kingdom in biology?

There are 5 kingdoms (kingdoms is the way of classifing organisms) 1. kingdom Monera (bateria and other single prokaryotic cells) 2. kingdom Protista (microscopic organisms made of 1 or more eukaryotic cells) 3.kingdom Fungi (fungi (of course) made of eukaryotic cells and eats deadorganisms) 4. Kingdom Plantae (all plants which are made of many eukaryotic cells) 5. kingdom Animalia (all animals and people many many eukaryotic cells we humans are made of about 100 trillion!) Being in Kingdom Animalia does NOT mean we are animals though we are just made of the same cells! Hope this helps!

What kingdom does lichens fall under?

The Fungi Lichen typically belongs in the kingdom Fungi. However, it can be made up of organisms from a total of three kingdoms.

What makes up the fungi kingdom?

The fungi kingdom is mostly made up of mushrooms and things like a mushroom.

What kingdom contains heterotrophs with cell walls made of chitin?

Kingdom mycota or fungi contains chitin in cell wall . fungi are heterotrophic but they absorb food .

Is kelp forests phylum fungi?

Well, fungi is a Kingdom, not a Phylum. But, no, kelp is made of algae and belongs in Kingdom Protista.

What is the kingdom that is made up of organisms that are eukaryotic and heterotrophic?

There are two kingdoms which are completely eukaryotic and heterotrophic.They kingdom animalia and fungi.

What are fungi cells walls made out of?


Are fungi made of more that one cells?


Kingdom made up of unicellular eukaryotes?

Protista. However, not all members of the kingdom protista are unicellular. Some may be multicellular, or may even live in colonies. Some members of fungi are also unicellular, such as yeast.