

Are all waves mechanical in nature?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: Are all waves mechanical in nature?
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Is a sound wave a electromagnetic wave in nature?

No. Sound waves are mechanical waves.

Are sound waves mechanical in nature?

Yes: they are compression-waves in the medium transmitting the sound.

What are all mechanical waves?

There are two types of waves, mechanical and non-mechanical waves. A mechanical wave needs some sort of medium, like an earthquake to move the water.

What kind of wave is an mechanical wave?

A mechanical wave requires a medium to transfer the energy it carries, unlike EMR waves. There are several types of mechanical waves, most of them being found in an earthquake. Mechanical waves are all longitudinal waves.

Do all waves including mechanical waves transfer energy?

Yes they do

Why do sound wave require a medium to travel?

Sound waves are mechanical waves and all mechanical waves require a material medium for its propagation unlike electromagnectic waves

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Is visible a longitudinal or transverse?

Yes I guess the question is related to the visible light. The visible light is transverse in nature. One more important point is that the light waves are not mechanical waves. Mecahnical waves do need a material medium to get traversed. Sound waves are mechanical waves. But light being non mechanical and being electromagnetic it can pass even through vacuum.

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How em waves different from mechanical waves?

Mechanical waves require a medium while Electromagnetic waves does not.

What do you call waves that require a medium A electromagnetic waves or B mechanical waves?

Mechanical waves, shock waves, etc.

Is a sound wave mechanical or electromagnetic?

Seismic waves are mechanical waves.