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For the majority of Book 1 and 2 (Seasons 1 and 2) the love between them is mostly one-sided towards Aang and both share a very strong friendship. However, towards the end of the show, both parties have shown that they are in fact secretly in love. Only at the end of the series did both actually realise that and ended the show in a kiss.

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Q: Are anng and Katara in love?
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Will Aang and Katara ever be a couple in the cartoon Avatar?

YES! bacause they ve kissed like 4 times and if when they were on there way to invade the fire nation anng kissed katara and she kissed him back so call me crazy i think she loves anng more than jet and heres why he almost killed a whole village just so he could defeat the fire nation and so why should she love him (jet a killer)who almost killed people?

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Yes, because Aang loves Katara very much, and he says that she is his "forever girl'. yes,but zuko loves katara more than taang is better darn those zutara fans are getting there lifetime wish

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Only as a friend, the thing that Zuko and Katara are in love is total fanfiction, Zuko loves Mai and Katara loves Aang.

Who does aang love?


Are Aang and katara in love?

Yes they are

How does Katara love zuko?

She doesn't!

Is zuko in love with Katara?

Apparently Not!

Does Aang love katara?

Yes. He tells Katara he loves her in one of the shows.