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No. Leeches are annelids, also known as segmented worms.

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Only some of them: lice, ticks, fleas, etc., have successfully adapted to the parasitic role. Others, such as crustaceans, generally are not.

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Q: Are arthropods parasites
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What are the two major groups of parasites ofmedical importance?

There are three groups of parasites, these are: (i)Protozoan (ii) Helminthes (iii) Arthropods.

What has the author Dale W Jenkins written?

Dale W. Jenkins has written: 'Pathogens, parasites and predators of medically important arthropods' -- subject(s): Arthropoda, Arthropods, Bibliography, Control, Insect pests, Parasites

What has the author B Herting written?

B. Herting has written: 'A catalogue of parasites and predators of terrestrial arthropods'

What do athropods eat?

Arthropods can eat dead things, plants, other small animals, and perhaps even parasites.

Are earthworms arthropods?

No: in fact, parasites such as flatworms and roundworms also prey on earthworms. Earthworms are highly beneficial, not feeding off living organisms, but breaking down decomposing organic material.

Are mites a vector transmitted disease?

No. Mites are parasitic arthropods. They are external parasites, meaning that they do not penetrate the body. They may cause an infestation, but not a disease (or an infection). However, they can be vectors of disease, such as typhus and rickettsialpox.

Why are arthropods called arthropods?

They express the characteristics inherent to arthropods. All insects are arthropods. Not all arthropods are insects.

Are mammals part of the arthropods?

NO Mammals are not arthropods. Arthropods are insects.

Are Arthropods eukaryotes or prokaryotes?

arthropods are eukaryotic because arthropods are animals.

Why are milkweed bugs called arthropods?

They express the characteristics inherent to arthropods. All insects are arthropods. Not all arthropods are insects.

Are goats arthropods?

No, goats are not arthropods.

Are scorpions arthropods?

Yes they are arthropods