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Dolphins are born tail first because.......they might die before they got to the surface to breathe!! They are mammals like us, and do not have gills.

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yes it does,it comes out tail first so it doesn't drown under the water

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Q: Are baby dolphins born head first or tail first?
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When a baby is born what part of the baby comes out first?

The head.

Why is a baby born head first?

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What part of the baby is usually born first?

The head.

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Do babies be born feet first?

Not always. Usually they are born head first but sometimes babies can come out the other way which means they can be born butt first. This is called the breech position. When a baby is born this way it can cause problems. If a breeech baby is born naturaly the butt will come out first and if the baby is born this way the baby's head could get stuck. So for most breech babies they are planned to be born by cearsarean section (c section). So for most babies it is better to be born head first instead of butt first.

What part of a baby is born first?

In a normal human birth, the head should appear first.

What is the medical term for having a baby that is in a breech presentation?

It means that the baby is coming out feet first instead of head first. This is very dangerous as the baby is not getting enough oxygen, and results in turning the baby around or having a casearean section.

What is young one of dolphin called?

A baby dolphin is called a calf. The calf is very dependent on its mother. The two will spend many months together sometimes even years before the young calf can take of itself. Dolphin babies are born flukes first and sometimes come out head first. As soon as the baby is born the mother pushes it to the surface for its first breath or air. Baby dolphins dont know how to swim when there born but they learn about a half hour after there born.

When a calf is born does its feet or head come first?

The head usually comes first in all farm animals then the feet.

How do dolphins delivers their baby?

Pretty much the same way a human gives birth to their baby except the tail (or fluke) of the dolphin comes out first instead of the head. That way the calf does not have to wait for the rest of its body to come out to breath air.

Are baby narwhals born with horns?

no they were born with apple sause on there head