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no, beagles still shed even though their fur is very short it will still be bothersome to someone with an allergy to dogs, their dander is also problematic.. look for a breed of dog that is said to have "hair" instead of fur :) no dog is %100 hypoallergenic though

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11y ago

There is no such thing as a hypo-allergenic dog or cat.

Many people mistakenly believe that it is the fur that aggravates Allergies when it becomes airborne. This is why that hairless breed of cat is often referred to as "hypo allergenic."

However, it is the dander that is normally the irritant.

Dander is the scales of dead skin that are constantly being shed by all mammals. Dander is similar to dandruff in humans, but much smaller and not usually able to be seen by the naked eye.

Also, animal dander has been found in places where an animal hasn't been (for instance an apartment where a dog has never lived can still have dander from a dog).

With the beagles I have had over the years I have had issues of heavy dandruff that would come out when I with scratch the dog's back or brush him. But, this is not something that every dog will have.

There are people that will swear to the "fact" that they do not have allergic reactions with certain breeds. This could very well be true for an individual person but, I do not think you could make a blanket statement that everyone with a dog or cat allergy would be fine with a specific breed.

In any event, if you want a beagle and can handle your allergy with medication they can be great pets.

Be warned though that they are have a reputation for being stubborn and tend to follow their nose over anything else.They can also be very high energy.

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