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Q: Are black spruce trees coniferous or deciduous?
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What does coniferous and disiguous mean?

Coniferous means that trees or shrubs have cones or pointed needles. Deciduous means that trees shed their leaves annually. While some examples of coniferous trees are firs and spruce, deciduous trees are oak and maple.

Is a weeping willow deciduous or coniferous?

Deciduous. Coniferous trees have cones.

What type of tree is a spruce tree and what type of tree is a maple tree?

A spruce tree is a coniferous evergreen (pine needles and cones) and most maple trees are deciduous (leaves fall off).

Is a honey locust a deciduous or coniferous?

Hickory trees are deciduous but they do live in coniferous forests.

Is a spruce deciduous?

No. Spruce is an evergreen. ------ WRONG!!!!!!! Coniferous trees have small, waxy and usually narrow leaves (needles or flat scales). 'Coniferous' means that it is a cone-bearing tree. The most common conifers are spruces, pines and firs. Alternative names used for coniferous trees are evergreens, softwoods and (appropriately enough) conifers. However, the name evergreen is not really a good synonym. Laurel, acacia and eucalyptus are also evergreens, and although not deciduous, they are not cone-bearing trees (they also definitely have leaves rather than needles). Therefore spruce is not deciduous, it is coniferous

Name non-deciduous trees genre?

Non-deciduous or coniferous trees are needle or cone-bearing trees, some of these would be:RedwoodDouglas FirAll Spruce treesAll Cedar treesQueensland KauriRimuLarchSquoiaYewHemlockJust to name a few.

Are oak trees coniferous or deciduous?

They are deciduous.

How is the temperate deciduous forest biome like a tiaga biome?

The taiga forests consist of mostly coniferous trees and are located in the cold areas coniferous forests consist of pine, fir, and spruce trees.

Are elm trees coniferous?


What is the difference between a coniferous animal and a deciduous animal?

There is no such thing as a coniferous animal or a deciduous animal. Coniferous and deciduous are kinds of trees, not kinds of animals.

What types of coniferous trees are there in wetaskiwin?

There is a coniferous tree Named a Spruce.

Are there spruce trees in the tongass coniferous forest?

Yes- Sitka Spruce