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14y ago

by size/shape

Long bones

Short bones

Irregular bones

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12y ago

Spongy bone , compact bone , soft bones ,hard bones .

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As bone as bone may be.

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Q: Are bones classified according to structure?
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What are the types of bones?

There are five types of bones in the human body: long bones (e.g. femur), short bones (e.g. carpals), flat bones (e.g. skull bones), irregular bones (e.g. vertebrae), and sesamoid bones (e.g. patella). Each type of bone serves a specific function in the body's structure and movement.

When classified according to structure all neurons are?

Afferent neurons

Is it useful for biologists to classify living things according to their colour?

no.they should be classified according to their structure & function

Minerals are classified according to their .?

Minerals are classified according to their composition

The bones of the limbs are classified as?

long bones

Bones are classified by whether they are weight bearing or protective in function?

Yes, bones are classified as weight-bearing or protective based on their primary functions. Weight-bearing bones, like those in the legs, support the body's weight and provide structure for movement. Protective bones, such as those in the skull or ribcage, help shield vital organs from injury.

How are joints classified by both structure and function?

Joints are classified structurally based on the material that connects the bones (fibrous, cartilaginous, or synovial). They are classified functionally based on the degree of movement they allow (immovable, slightly movable, or freely movable).

Which of the following statements about monosaccharide structure is true?

Monosaccharides can be classified according to the spatial arrangement of their atoms.

What classification is a phalanx bone?

A phalanx bone is classified as a long bone. These long bones are found in the fingers and toe digits, helping to provide structure and support for movement.

Why is it important to classify bones?

Classifying bones helps in understanding their structure, function, and development. It also aids in identifying abnormalities, diagnosing diseases, and determining evolutionary relationships. Classification systems help researchers and medical professionals communicate effectively and make accurate judgments about bone health and anatomy.

What are the ankle bones classified as?


The ulna and radius are best classified as?

long bones fore-arm bones