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Q: Are boys more aggressive than girls wile playing field hockey?
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Which pronoun is correct you girls were playing hockey or us girls were playing hockey?

I am not sure between those two options, but I really matters on the way you are trying to say it. If you are saying it to the jockey players- You girls were playing hockey. If you are the girls playing hockey- We girls were playing hockey. Hope this helps!

Is girls playing hockey weird?

No, girls should be able to do anything boys can do!

Most watched girls sport in the world?

field hockey

Do girls usually play street hockey?

Of course!! This falls under the anything you can do, I can do better category. Girls have been playing street hockey for as long as street hockey has been around. TCH>

What sports can girls play with out guys?

Volleyball, lacrosse, basketball, softball, field hockey, hockey, and barrel racing are all sports girls can participate in without guys.

Do girls have to wear skirts when playing hockey?

No. Where did you get that idea it isn't very smart.

What is the national sport of New Zealand's women and girls?

Netball followed by field hockey

Are there any sports that accept 11 year old girls who are chubby?

Field hockey.

What sports are just for girls?

1) Field Hockey 2) Softball 3)Loccrose

What was the name of the women who started girls playing hockey?

Actualy nobdy started , how women and girls can play hockey a hole team singed up and they had a chance 2 play!

Your son wants to play hockey?

If your child wants to play hockey, then by all means let him. Hockey (both types) is among the ten most popular sports in the world. If you are in the U.S., playing field hockey may be difficult/impossible due to the old-fashioned belief that it is a girls-only sport (see other answers onsite for details).

Which is grammatically correct our school doesn't have a girls hockey team OR our school doesn't have a girls' hockey team?

The plural possessive is: girls' hockey team (a hockey team for girls).