

Are cookie a mechanical mixture

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: Are cookie a mechanical mixture
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An oatmeal raisin cookie is not a solution since it is not a homogeneous mixture. It is a heterogeneous mixture.

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The definition of a homogeneous mixture is 'A mixture of two or more substances that cannot be easily separated by common physical means (ie settling, filtration, etc.).Samples from different parts of this mixture have the same composition.' So I suppose it depends on the kind of cookie. A chocolate chip cookie is NOT and example of a homogeneous mixture, it is an example of a hetrogeneous mixture. However a sugar cookie or shortbread cookie IS an example of a homogeneous mixture. The definition of a homogeneous mixture is 'A mixture of two or more substances that cannot be easily separated by common physical means (ie settling, filtration, etc.).Samples from different parts of this mixture have the same composition.' So I suppose it depends on the kind of cookie. A chocolate chip cookie is NOT and example of a homogeneous mixture, it is an example of a hetrogeneous mixture. However a sugar cookie or shortbread cookie IS an example of a homogeneous mixture.

Is water in a fish tank a mechanical mixture?

No; water in a fish tank is not a mechanical mixture. It is a homogeneous mixture. Mechanical mixtures are heterogeneous mixtures.