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Generally daffodil flowers don't get pollinated, and rarely will you find daffodils from seeds coming up in a garden, unless they have purposely been sown there. If you do want to play around with a daffodil seed (it takes 5-7 years before you'll see the flower), the way daffodil flowers are pollinated is by bees or other flying insects and humans purposely applying pollen to the stigma.

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11y ago

Yes, daffodils do have nectar, and the pollen is on the anthers surrounding the stigma. The hummingbird frequents the later blooming daffodils. Bees do most of the early pollination. However, keep in mind that see production is not the most efficient way for the daffodil to reproduce, so even though it has beautiful blooms, which are meant for genetic variation and adaptation, you won't see a huge number of insects busily visiting the blooms, nor will you see a grand number of ripening ovules later in the season.

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11y ago

Short answer: No, it is a very rare occurance for daffodils to be wind pollinated.

Generally daffodil flowers don't get pollinated, and rarely will you find daffodils from seeds coming up in a garden, unless they have purposely been sown there. If you do want to play around with a daffodil seed (it takes 5-7 years before you'll see the flower), the way daffodil flowers are pollinated is by bees or other flying insects and humans purposely applying pollen to the stigma.

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2y ago

Daffodil Pollination

Under natural conditions, most daffodils are pollinated either by the wind or by insects such as bees, which transfer pollen from the anthers to the stigma. This pollen travels into the flower's ovary, where it fertilizes the ovules, eventually forming seeds.

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Q: Are daffodils wind pollinated or insect pollinated?
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