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Q: Are dead animals producers
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Are giraffes producers or consumers?

A consumer, because they eat the producers which are the plants.

How do decomposers difffer from producers?

Producers produce food using energy, and decomposers eat the remains of dead animals to get energy.

Uses dead plants and animals for food a group of producers that live in water?


How are dead plant and animals helpful to producers like trees and grass?

an panget mo

What are some producers in the twilight zone?

One is the "ocean snow" basically this is particles of dead animals from above

How can producers get into a carnivore if a carnivore eats only animals.?

There are 2 answers:1.a carnivore eats a animal with producers in the dead animals stomach.2. In terms of energy, to get the energy of the producers, the producers get eaten by a herbivore of omnivore which carries the energy from the food it eats which is then passed to the carnivore if the carnivore eats the herbivore or omnivore.It's means lthe animals who just eat meat like Lion.

Are animals are considered to be producers in the carbon cycle?

No. Animals are consumers. Plants are producers.

Who are the producers consumers in a food chain?

a producer produces its own food a consumer eats other animals or dead or decomposed animals, which means it can also be a decomposer a decomposer eats decomposed or dead animals

Are plants consumers or producers?

animals are consumers and plants are producers.

What animals are producers of the desert of Australia?

Only plants are producers. All animals are consumers.

What are some producers consumers and decomposers in the desert?

Producers are plants, such as cacti. Consumers are those who depend on plants for energy, such as lizards or birds. Decomposers are those that feed on dead animals, such as maggots and fungi.

How do decomposers resupply elements to producers?

Decomposers eat and digest the dead plants and animals and their waste is natural compost for living plants.