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Yes. For what it's worth (which may well not be very much) Prune Park International University's degrees are accredited by the IAFU (look it up). However, if you have to ask this question I would ask, have you seriously examined Prune Park International's web site or that of their parent institution, Prune Park College and University? Septimus Flange

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Q: Are degrees from Prune Park International University accredited?
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Will a degree from Prune Park International University further your career?

As long as you are taking your higher education through an accredited school, yes it will help you in achieving your overall career goals and objectives. Wait a minute! I'm not sure who placed the answer above, but I regret to say it's way over optimistic. Prune Park International University is far from what it superficially appears to be; and even further from what it claims to be. Would you seriously want a degree from an institution which claims to be accredited by the International Association of Fake Universities? Just take a moment or two to look closely at their web site. Better still, just draw a line and move on. The whole Prune Park scam in an elaborate academic in-joke perpetrated by a few British egg-heads with too much time and too little to do with it.

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You can prune it but the symmetrical shape that makes it attractive will be wrecked. If you do prune only tip prune.

Is prune long or short?

Prune is just another word for 'cutting' i.e you cut your hair but prune a plant. So prune is to cut shorter.

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What turns into a prune?

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What is prune called in Telugu?

in telugu prune is :all behara :

What is the Hindi word for prune?

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