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Diarrhea and period like cramping are signs of pregnancy

  • I have been feeling terrible for the last week. I have had bouts of diarrhea, greenish-black bowel movements (sorry), constant cramping, headaches, and slight nausea but haven't vomited. Also I haven't had a period in over 2 months. My periods are always irregular, usually skipping a week- month at a time, but never 2 months. I am heavy, so that could be the reason for no period. I have been exercising more regularly, but haven't in a couple weeks.
  • Yes. I experienced both diarrhea and cramping. So, I decided to buy Imodium, and as a second thought, a pregnancy test. After taking 4 pregnancy tests, I was convinced that I was pregnant and did not have a stomach virus.
  • I have the same thing! I am now 3 days away from receiving my AF, which hopefully won't come at all! My diarrhea is like greenish-black..sorry TMI!! I heard it could be something in the prenatal pills. You are right! It is most likely the iron in the pnv's
  • I am not sure how to post on this board but so I am adding to this persons post... I just had to say that this is EXACTLY ME>>> I have had greenish black horrible diarrhea at 8dpo it followed a dip in my chart then my temps went up and major period cramps followed by horrible diarrhea for three days followed. I am like a day away from my flo day, so I am hoping this is indeed an early sign, I read that even though it is rare it does occur due to the increased progesterone on implantation.... so here is hoping this helps someone else out there looking for this answer.
  • Well if this is prior to getting a positive test, Diarrhea can be a sign of increased progesterone... I had diarrhea with this last one and it was really awful. It started about a week before my period was due... the cramping could be part of the diarrhea... GL with what ever you want as an outcome :)
  • I have the same thing. I missed my period and I have strange and unusual diarrhea. Also frequent urination and nausea. I would love to have the SECOND answerer to let us know whether she was(is) pregnant .
  • I found out I was pregnant three days ago and immediately started taking prenatal vitamins. I've now started to get loose stools and cramping/gas-like pains, so I am wondering if this is progesterone related or a reaction to the vitamins.
  • I also had the greenish black diarrhea that really drained me. What is strange though is the fact that I am having this diarrhea 4dpo which is still far from implantation. If I turn out pregnant, it means the symptoms sometimes actually happen much earlier than text book predictions. I also have cramps similar to menstrual cramps. I am not worried about that because I had exactly the same cramps last month but it turned out to be nothing as AF came spot on. Last month there was no diarrhea though. I took Imodium to stop the diarrhea which stopped me from going to work for 2 days due to weakness of the limbs.
  • Last week I also had blackish/greenish diarrhea the day before i was suppose to get my period. I have had cramps on and off now and so far am 6 days late. I took a test and it came out negative. I had endometriosis for a while adn finally had it removed last July (lapascope). I recently felt as if my endometriosis was coming back and have been off the pill for 7 months...hoping to get pregnant. I am wondering what to do? I have some cravings and more hunger than usual, but these symptoms I normally get right before I get my period....Any comments or suggestions would help.
  • This is my first time posting on here, and I'm really here for an answer. It seems that I too have this problem. My fiance and I have been trying to get pregnant, and on the 18th 3 tests confirmed that I was. I am 31 yrs old and this is the first time I have ever been pregnant, ever. So I totally don't know what to expect. Anyway a week ago my stool was normal, but it was green like baby poop. Then 4 days ago I started blowing chunks big time! I thought, oh great I ate something bad, it will pass. I've been eating extra healthy though...cottage cheese, bread, eggs, fresh spinach, Sprite. I've taken 4 Imodiums (1 each day) and the diarrhea is still here. I keep getting this diarrhea cramps but when push comes to shove nothing gives at this point because I've blown it all out. I'm kinda worried that I have E-coli or something. Is this really normal for women like myself in the 6th week of pregnancy? Please respond...I don't want to give myself an ulcer over worrying!!
  • I have been on the pill for 8 years and have NEVER been late. I was late last time, but it did eventually come, but light and SHORT. I have heard of folks still having really light periods and not realizing they are pregnant until MUCH later. Well, that was about two weeks ago. This last Tuesday (10/01) I woke up with an all-over achey headache, nausea, cramping and diarrhea (I am still about 2 weeks away from my usual period). I went home from work and napped for 7 HOURS - the headache was gone, the nausea was better and the diarrhea was less though I started cramping again toward bedtime that night. I woke up the next morning nauseous again, no headache, but still crampy and with diarrhea. I took a pregnancy test, but it came back negative - although I have heard that it may not read until closer to my usual cycle days. It is now Friday and though the nausea and headache have gone away mostly (the nausea comes in brief waves throughout the day) I am on day 4 of diarrhea and intermittent cramping. I would really like to be pregnant as my husband and I have discussed starting, but I am still on the pill and am thinking this is highly unlikely. I am also not exhibiting of the other "usual's" like breast tenderness, though I am fatigued AND suffering from HORRIBLE INSOMNIA. That being said, I'm not sure what the heck is wrong with me, but if it is early pregnancy symptoms, it is nice to know that I am not a total freak. Any opinions on this? Or does it sound like I have a virus or parasite of some kind?
  • There's only one way to find out, get a pregnancy test. But if you are trying to get pregnant than why are you still on the pill? You should get off the pill right away and give your body a rest from it and just let nature take its course and try to relax. If you have diarrhea then the fatigue and headaches are from the dehydration. Perhaps you are eating something that is giving you the runs. Try eating binding foods like cheese, olives, crackers and other dry breads. And re-hydrate yourself!!
  • I've just had my period less then a week ago. I have 2-3 day periods, it's been like that since I was a young teen. Just under a week I feel cramps in the abdominal area - almost like my period could start (even though I just had it). I have almost diarrhea/constipation feelings today. I figured it was something I ate, but I've been researching my question for a couple hours now. I found this interesting. My husband and I did a pregnancy test a few days before my period - it was negative. We had an accident 2 weeks prior, so we waited to see if my period would start. It did on the 27th day of my cycle. But now I'm having these symptoms too. I wonder if I am in fact pregnant. I will have to do another pregnancy test when he's not around so our hopes don't go up again. EVERY WOMAN IS DIFFERENT that is for sure. The last day or two my suspicions are getting the better of me again...I can't help but wonder.
  • For me these are just regular symptoms associated with my period. I have always had this from the start of my period almost 15 years ago.
  • I have all these same symptoms (diarrhea, period-like cramping, nausea, dehydration), but on top of this, I've been on the pill for about 6 months AND I'm on what seems to be my period. While on the pill, my periods have mainly been heavy spotting and occasionally with no fresh blood. The weird thing is that my period started a few days BEFORE I started the placebo week of pills. At first, I just thought I had picked up a virus and it screwed my whole body up, but I also know that spotting can happen soon after conception. I sincerely DON'T want to get pregnant, so I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else? If it has, what were the results?
  • Period like cramps could be a sign of pregnancy, but could just be a sign your period is coming. I've NEVER seen anywhere that diarrhea is an early symptom of pregnancy - if anything it is constipation that is more likely due to the increased progesterone and hcg being secreted. These two pregnancy hormones can cause constipation as they serve to slow down bowel functions to provide maximum absorption time of vitamins and nutrients and this symptom will typically worsen as the pregnancy progresses.
  • I'm having the same problem, I'm five days late on period. Never in my over 10 years of having a period I been late and I've been having unprotected sex with my boyfriend so I know its possible. I decided to take prenatal vitamins just in case and I've also been having green-black diarrhea. I don't have kids so I was wondering if that's normal or the pills.
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14y ago

Yes, they can be, however it is more likely that the cramps are caused by ovulation (an egg being released) which often results in cramping, or that your period is going to arrive soon. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period

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14y ago

Cramping during pregnancy, unfortunately, can mean multiple things; some are okay and some are not so good. It can be gas, constipation, your uterus growing; signs of an ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, and the list can go on and on. If the cramping continues and it concerns you too much you should contact your doctor.

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9y ago

No. Both are not signs of pregnancy. You do the urine pregnancy to diagnose the pregnancy. You do the ultrasound examination to to confirm the duration of the pregnancy. That will also confirm the location of the pregnancy inside the uterus. ( At times it can be in the fallopian tube.)

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13y ago

It can be. If you feel that you may be pregnant I would recommend taking a home pregnancy test and/or seeing your Dr.

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14y ago

It is much more likely that it is because your period is going to arrive soon. However, take a pregnancy test if you miss your period

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Q: Is cramping the week your period is due a sign of pregnancy?
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You havent a pregnancy test yet And your period is supposed to be a week or two away But are pains in the stomach a sign of pregnancy?

For most women the first sign of pregnancy is a missed period. Some women do have cramping and spotting when the embryo implants into the uterine wall a week or two out.

What if you been cramping over a week is it a early sign of pregnancy?

Most likely it is PMS and your period will start in a few days.

If I have had cramping after sex a week of unexplained cramping no bleeding thick white-ish cervical mucous and a soft high cervix but negative hpt chances of pregnancy?

wait it out. a missed period is the best sign of pregnancy. take the test a week or two after your scheduled period, depending on how regular you are.

Different cramping during 1 week late periods?

Different cramping during your period isn't a indication of pregnancy hun. If you miss your period then perform a pregnancy test.

Are you having early pregnancy symptoms if you have had cramping on your left side about a week after ovulation and your nipples have been hard and sensitive?

Pregnancy symptoms can start as early as the day of conception, if it is a week before your period there are tests you can take a week before your period that will tell you if you are pregnant or not but a definite sign is a missed period.

Is cramping a week and a half before your period normal or does that mean possible pregnancy even if you haven't had sex?


Is there a chance of pregnancy if you began spotting 2 weeks after your period went off for a week with cramping and nausea?

unless the next month you miss your period and you dont have one no. Cramping and nausea come with your period

How far along do you have to be before you have pregnancy cramping?

I got pregnancy cramping in my second week but every one is different.

Is a missed period by 1 week a sign of pregnancy?

Yes. Take a test

Are hurt burn unusual burping spotting lower back pain and cramping a week before your period is due a sign of pregnancy?

All can be- however it can be just pm symptoms too. The big question is: Did you have intercourse around ovulation that could have resulted in pregnancy (unprotected sex, failed birth-control method)? If in a week, your period doesn't happen, I'd take a pregnancy test immediately. Good Luck!!!

How long should cramping occur before it's a sign of pregnancy and not your period?

well its same as you're about to get a period,nothing different..when i was pregnant -i didn't know i was pregnant i felt like i was about to get a period i had a pad on just in week pass no period so i took a hpt and came back positive...

What is the sign on losing pregnancy after 1 week and a half?

At one and a half weeks you are technically not pregnant, because the pregnancy is dated starting with the first day of your last period and you do not ovulate until around 14 days after that. If you meant one and a half weeks after ovulation? then a sign would be getting your full period. If you're only having light cramping, then it may just be a sign of implantation, which can also cause spotting.