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Yes. Same product from different manufacturers.

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Q: Are ever clear and gem clear the same?
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What is a gem diamond?

A clear (relative) crystal of Diamond what ever be the color,even black now-a-days that can be used in Jewellery or as a collectable maybe called a Gem diamond. Industrial diamond are usually opaque and dumb to look at!!

Is a diamond real clear?

Gem-quality diamonds -- only about 20% of all diamonds mined -- can be clear.

Do you you need to get first place in smokey and the bandicoot to receive gem for destroying all the boxes in crash bandicoot the wrath of cortex?

no you need to come first to get the crstal, and if you destory all of the boxes you get the clear gem, but you do not have to come first to get the clear gem you only have to smash all of the boxes.

What levels give you the gems in crash bandicoot?

Each level has a clear gem (white colored gem) and some like Lost City have colored gems. If you ever find N Brio tokens in a level this level will have a colored gem. N Brio tokens will lead to a colored gem bonus stage and players must avoid falling/dying and reach the end to obtain the gem. N Cortex tokens will lead players to bonus stages that will give players a special key.

A rare form of mineral that is usually very clear and brightly colored is a?


Is halite a gem?

Halite is more commonly known as rock salt. It is a mineral, not a gem, which can be found in lavender, white, and clear crystal-like specimens.

What gems are clear?

None are clear, some are white though and see through but not quite clear. Diamonds are. Any pale colored gem is also sometimes condiered clear.

Do you loose your gems when removing the gem box in Clash of Clans?

No, it is the opposite. When you clear the gem box, it gives you gems. You usually get about 25 gems each time.

What is the gem that begins with the letter T and is a deep blue color?

Turquioise is opaque and comes in many shades of blue. Tourmaline is a clear , beautiful, usually faceted gem.

Who is the Greek gem god?

Theia is the Greek gem goddess. She was the goddess of sight and the shining light of the clear, blue sky. She endowed gems, gold, and silver, with their brilliance and value.

What word has the same initial sound as giant?

The word "jolly" has the same initial sound as "giant."

What score is needed on fantage to get the green gem?

well it does not depend on your score! you can get the highest score ever and still get the sapphire gem so really they give out the gems randomly