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Since not all individual male lions are the same color, nor are all female lions the same color, this makes the question essentially meaningless.

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Q: Are female and male lions the same color?
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Do male and female lions look different?

Male lions are different from female because male ones are a lot larger and they have hair around the head but female lions don't. Female lions are also referred to as "lionesses". Also, female lions do most of the hunting in the pride. While the lionesses hunt, the male lions stay near and watch over the cubs. Male lions are also known for being the leaders of the pride. The leader is the one who challenges and fights other male lions from other prides. In a pride, there is a lot more females than males also.

Are female and male lions different or the same?

The male lions have a mane while the females don't. The females usually do the hunting. Plus the lucky lion can get many mates!

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Same as the male, orange.

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Both female and male jaguars look the same. Males are bigger then females.

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Yes, they are identical in pattern.

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No. Both sexes look the same.

Are male spiders lighter in colour compared to a female spider?

Not usually. Markings can differ between male and female spiders of the same species, however male spiders are not usually lighter in color. They are typically smaller than female spiders though.

Do male and female brains weigh the same?

No, the weight of the brain is not same in male and female. The weight of the brain in female is approximately 1400 and in male is 1600.