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Q: Are fire bellied newts legal in America?
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Do fire bellied newts live in the rain forest?


How big do firebelly newts grow usually?

Fire bellied newts grow to be about 4-6 inches

How do you tell if a fire bellied newts sick?

When taking care of a pet it is important to know how to tell if they are sick or not. A Fire Bellied Newt would be lethargic, and show no interest in food or water if it was sick.

How big do fire bellied newts have to be to eat a guppy?

Not if you are smart and don't put them together. Amphibians poison the water for fish.

Where can you buy Fire bellied newts?

You can buy a Fire Bellied Newt at Petland, but make sure your newt is healthy before buying it. Make sure it is breathing fine, its eyes are open wide and it is eating its food. You may want to make sure it is moving around and that it isnt in a tank with sick newts because like with people, it is contagious. I hope this helps you, and good luck with your newts. I had six newts and here are the names I named them. .Dottie .Jose .Runner .Fishay-Fishay! .Spidey .Spot

Can you keep newts in a 5 gallon tank?

Yes about one fire bellied newt can fit in the tank with no promblem get a small filter and a dock of some kind and decor if you want.

What is the life expectancy of Japanese fire bellied newts in captivity?

My name is Sarah. I have had my fire bellied newt for seven years. I feed it either live or frozen blood worms. It usually has fresh water, but I have not cleaned the terrarium that often, so I assume he is a tough little creature. I expect it to live for at least ten to fifteen years.

How big are fire belly newts when they are born?

Fire belly newts are smaller than a marble when they are born.

Do Chinese fire bellied newts eat on land or in the water?

Chinese fire bellied newts (of the species Cyanops orientalis) and other similar species which spend most of their time under water will usually feed underwater on insects and other small invertebrates. In the pet trade these species are often fed within the water on live or frozen invertebrates. The species would feed on land but since it spends the greater part of its day in the water then it will be unlikely to eat a lot on land.

Is a fire bellied newt posionous?

Newts have toxins that come out glands on the back of their heads the toxin isn't poisonous it gives of a bad taste so predators don't eat them that's, however newts only release the toxin when attacked by a predator, but u can hold them without them producing the toxin

When was Oriental Fire-bellied Toad created?

Oriental Fire-bellied Toad was created in 1890.

When was European Fire-bellied Toad created?

European Fire-bellied Toad was created in 1761.