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No its Because Liam Wotton and Jess Buckler are Well cool.

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Q: Are french students allowed to smoke?
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Can children smoke in French schools?

No, it is forbidden to smoke in French schools - even for adults. Smokers have to go outside the gates, and that is not allowed for younger students.

Is a student allowed to smoke off of school grounds?

No - as the most logical explanation can be that mostly students at school are under age and are not legally allowed to smoke at that age.Moreover, smoking in public places with other students around can increase the risks of second hand smoking for the non-smoking students!!! not at all..

Are french students permitted to smoke in school?

They cannot smoke in "collège" (school for 11-15 year old students). Before 2007 there were smoking zones in "Lycées"(school for 15-18 year old students) but since 2007, smoking has been banned completely.

What is the word smoke in French?

smoke is "la fumée" in french - To smoke is the verb "fumer"

How do you you pronounce smoke in french?

to smoke (verb) is 'fumer' in French. The smoke (noun) is la fumée.

Do they smoke weed on airplanes?

You are not allowed to smoke ANYTHING on an airplane.

How do you say smoke in french?

fumer - to smoke

Are county inmates allowed to smoke?

In some counties, yes. However, even when inmates are allowed to smoke, in many instances this is only allowed outdoors.

Do french students take GCSE's?

French students have the equivalent of the GCSEs.

Is it allowed to smoke inside companies?


How many students smoke in the world?

About 500,000 kids smoke in the world in the terrist areas

How many middle schoolers smoke?

According to the CDC 5.2% of middle school students smoke. Recent data shows that 850 students start everyday.