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Yes it can be, because Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is usually created by stress, thus, stress can cause heart palpitations, but this doesn't mean you will have a heart attack or stroke. IBS and heart palpitations can be helped a great deal by good diet, exercise (yoga is a good source of Tai Chi) walking and taking some calming moments for yourself throughout the day. Also learning about Cognitive Therapy will help give you the tools to deal with daily stress which most of us go through. Also stay away from caffeine which is pop, coffee, tea, chocolate. Alcohol (stimulant) can also cause heart palpitations and irritate your IBS. If you love a morning coffee or tea then have it, but drink a full glass of water afterward. If you really need chocolate or want to go out and have a few drinks then you know that heart palpitations may follow and so deep breath to calm things down.

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Q: Are heart palpitations a part of irritable bowel syndrome?
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More information about heart palpitations can be found online at the Medical website. The website gives you information about heart palpitations and others sickness.

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Is heart palpitations the same thing as heart beat flutters?

From what I can understand, and I am no doctor, heart palpitations is the same thing as heart beat flutters. Heart palpitation is the feeling that your heart is racing.

What is a good website to learn more about heart palpitations?

You can find information about heart palpitations on Here's a very good article for you to look at:

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