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horses may look fast but pumas always come on top

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Q: Is a horse faster than a snow leopard?
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Who is faster a horse or a leopard?

A leopard is faster than a horse, in the short term.

Does a horse run faster than a rabbit in snow?


Is a jaguar faster than a panther?

The jaguar is a panther and member of the panthera genus, along with the lion, tiger, leopard and snow leopard.

Which is faster a clouded leopard or a common leopard?

A clouded leopard is faster than a common leopard.

What wins between a snow leopard and leopard?

A leopard would be much bigger than a snow leopard, and would win.

Are snow leopards faster than a horse?

no because horses can go as fast as a car

What is a gray wolf faster than?

faster than a leopard

Can a snow leopard kill a wolf?

This Is A Tough One But I Think A Wolf Because Wolves Are Skinnier And Faster. Wolves Are Also A Very Big Competitor Of The Snow Leopard And Wolves Can Live In Packs Which Can Rip The Snow Leopard Into Shreads.

What is faster - a cheetah or a panther?

Panther is a generic term and includes the lion, tiger, jaguar, leopard and snow leopard. The cheetah can run faster than any of these animals.

Is a hippopotamus faster than a horse?

No, the horse is faster.

Is an Olympian faster than a horse?

No, a horse will always be faster than a human.

Which is bigger a snow leopard or a cheetah?

One difference between a snow leopard and a cheetah is how they look. Snow leopard have ringed spots, a soft grey coat, fur on the bottom of their paws, and a tail that is heavy with fur. A cheetah has round spots, short and coarse tan fur, and a tail with dark rings at the end along with the bushy white tuft.