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No one is the planet and the other is pieces of the planet that's been infected by the sun which is red

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14y ago

yes it does, it is the radioactive rocks that came from under the planets' crust that was scattered accross the cosmos when krypton exploded.

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Q: Are krypton and kryptonite the same thing?
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Is kryptonite another word for krypton the element?

No - it's the debris from Krypton.

Is Superman allergic to Kryptonite?

Kryptonite is the debris from the planet Krypton and it contains radiation.

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Superman's weakness is Kryptonite which is the official name for the meteor rock fragment that are various colors but the most common color for Kryptonite is Green however there are Red, Black and Gold versions of it as well. In some versions of the Superman lore Kryptonite is seen as a poison to Superman as well as other Kryptonians because it's radioactive material that came from their planet.

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you have the eat some kryptonite and then you will be like superman

What weekens Superman?

Kryptonite. Its a rock from his home planet of Krypton. :]

What is the importance of krypton?

It can be made into Kryptonite which is highly effective at removing superhumans.

When was kryptonite made?

It wasn't made - it's the debris from the planet Krypton.

How long does it take to ride superman escape from kryptonite?

it depends on how quickly the kryptonite and distance is from him

What is the chemical symbol of Kryponite?

First off, Kryptonite isn't real. It's called Krypton. The symbol for KRYPTON is Kr

Is kryptonite a mineral?

Kryptonite is a rock from a fictitious Superman story. But there is a mineral found in 2007 in siberia that has the exact same elements as the fictional stuff. all except flouride the element is nicknamed kryptonite but cannot be called that for the element of krypton so it is named jadarite for the town nearest to where it was found.

Is kryptonite named after anything?

There IS an actual element in the Periodic Table called Krypton, but the rocks called Kryptonite are named after Superman's home planet, also called Krypton. They are the only remnants left over after that planet exploded.