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Yes! they prey on young Antarctic Fur seals, Crabeater Seals, Ross Seals And Weddell Seals

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6y ago

Leopard seals are one of the largest species of seals, so they are related to seals.

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Q: Do leopard seals prey on other seals?
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Related questions

What animals prey upon seals?

Leopard seals, Killer whales, and humans prey upon seals.

What is the penguin a prey to?

leopard seals preys on them and their prey is fish.

What predators does leopard seals have?

Leopard Seals are prey to killer whales, polar bears and human hunting.

What are three things that eat leopard seals?

Krill, other leopard seals, and penguins.

Do leopard seals eat fur seals?

no, although they do eat other breeds of seals pups.

What do leopard seals prey on?

They eat mainly fish, squid and krill, sometimes they will eat penguins too.

Where do leopard seals find food?

they hunt in the ocean. In the waters off Antarctica, they are known to prey on penguins.

What is a Leopard Seals percentage of diet?

A Leopard Seals percentage of diet is: Krill (47%), Other Seals (31%), young Crabeater Seals and penguins (11%), and fish and cephalopods (11%)

How many teeth are in the jaws of a leopard seal?

Leopard seals don't have teeth, they long have hollow tongues, like a butterfly, that they use to suck the brains out of their prey.

How does a leopard seal eat a penguin?

Because that's their prey. They do not eat fish, or squid like other seals (or Sea Lions). They normally only eat penguins probably it tastes good to them but it is a little bit nasty to watch because when the leopard seal grabs it's prey (the penguin), the penguin bleeds a lot

Are leopard seals silver and brown?

yes leopard seals are silver and brown. but they can be other colors too. like black and silver or white.

Do Bull elephant seals eat other seals?

Some seals arecannibalistic...Yes. Although seals mostly prey on fish and small mammals , many species of seal, such as the leopard seal, have been known to eat other seals as part of their diet.There have been National Geographic films about how seals will eat other seals. Mostly the males will try to eat the young of other males; this is due to territorial claims of the female rather than hunger.