

Which kind of rabbit has the best meat?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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yes and no they sometimes can get out of there cages or boxes and make a big mess in the house , but they sure can entertain you

Bunnies make great pets! They are very friendly if you visit them daily and are cute and cuddly. You can walk them with special bunny harnesses and leashes. You can feed them lettuce, carrots, dried bananas and much more. They deserve a lot of cage space. Cages need to be cleaned out often though because they tend to smell otherwise.

I own a rabbit and in my opinion they do. They are quiet but that doesn't always say everything. They enjoy chewing on everything! You will need to watch the rabbit for it's safety and for the well being of your home. They also go to the bathroom everywhere! They can be litter box trained for peeing but not pooping. They also get very hormonal but you can wait that out. Never keep your rabbit in a hutch outside. They become territorial and can catch many diseases. My first rabbit was left outside and became so mean that we had to get rid of him but before we could he got very sick from the flies living near his hutch. Follow these rules and you will have a wonderful pet.

Depends, do you plan on having one outside or in? plan of spending the time to Litter Train the rabbit? and can you stand the thought of an indoor rabbit chewing on the wood legs of your furniture? Rabbits can be trained, but it takes time and effort on your part. Plus, Rabbit pellets and urine do not smell the greatest, expecially indoors.

If indoors, no not use cat litter!, recommend hay or straw or even shredded newpapers.

Rabbits can be litter trained completely and there are many options for litter for the buns potty. It is best to use aspen or pine pellets, they are absorbant of both the tape. Buns that dig should be given an acceptable place to dig such as a dig box full of newspapers or other like materials. For some buns, woven grass mats and carpet pieces keep their digging feet content. Also, getting your bun neutered or spayed is a good way to reduce the smell and tame the temperment of many rabbits. Males rabbits like to mark their territory with urine (very smelly urine) and the best way to deplete this action is to neuter the bun as well as make sure to limit his contact with other buns. Bunnies are great pets, but like any pets, they need attention and lots of patience!

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12y ago

Generally YES!

They are great pets that don't require much hard work. If you treat them correctly, then they are fab! Make sure you have done your research before getting one. (You can get any color you prefer.)


They are lovely pets to have as long as you treat them fairly, and respect that they need their privacy and alone time. PLEASE make sure you do your research before getting one. Instead of getting a pet rabbit from a pet shop, get one from a qualified shelter that you trust. (Pet shop bunnies have sometimes been exposed to animal diseases.)


From what I have read they are great pets, cute furry animals.

(I love any animal so i will be happy when i get mine!)


I have one and they're easy to look after, apart from cleaning the litter tray.


Yes, rabbits are good pets, but they can be expensive. I would rather a guinea pig.

(see related link on bunny costs)

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12y ago

Rabbits can be great pets to have. They are intelligent and social animals, so they make great company.

However, rabbits aren't good for everyone: they have specific and unique needs, in terms of caring for them. Rabbits can be a challenge because they need a lot of attention; also their bodies and behaviours are so different from ours, cats, and dogs, so you have to spend time learning about them; and it can be difficult to find products and services (including food and a good vet), since they're not nearly as common as cats and dogs.

To find out if rabbits are the right pet for you learn about rabbit care and behaviour. The related question below about how to care for a rabbit is a good place to start, and it has some links too.

There are many tips about caring for rabbits, like:

- Make sure that wires are not in reach for the rabbit and get it some toys to play with it, this might prevent it from chewing wires.

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12y ago

I own two female lionhead rabbits. No pet is easy to care for they all require effort on your part. For rabbits you have to clean out the cage once a week, and feed them and give them hay every morning. Depending on how long of hair your lionheads have, they may need to be brushed daily too. All pets take time...but I guess rabbit care is fairly simple.

Lionhead rabbits require the exact same care as all pet rabbits. The above is just a brief summary: for details see the related question below.

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13y ago

lion head rabbits are generally priced between 30 to 50 pounds per rabbits but it depends what kind you buy or breed but if it is a lion head cross they are generally in the price range of 38 pounds

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13y ago

lionheads are very small its not worth eating them their meat is not good

There is nothing wrong with their meat. It tastes the same . There just is not enough of it in proportion to bone to make ythe lionhead a good meat rabbit. Just as the Jersey cow as compared to an angus is not a great beef cow.

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The New Zealand rabbit was bred for it's meat breeding. Over years, butchers and breeders made this rabbit have tender meat! The New Zealand rabbit tastes best! (If you cook it right)

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13y ago

a rabbit is a good pet if you have time and money to spend on it, they aren't that fun though they just eat sleep and poo

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Yes I have 2

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Any type of rabbit could be a meat rabbit, however there are certain factors that someone might look for in a meat rabbit. For example: 1. Meat-to-bone ratio 2. Advantages of litter size 3. Growth rate 4. Adult weight There are plenty of websites that would tell you certain breeds known to be best for eating.

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