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As long as they are not high in cholesterol, anything high in cholesterol will cause problems. But you should talk to your doctor before consuming anything your not sure about

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Q: Are low fat spreads allowed after gallbladder removal?
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Does having your gallbladder removed make you fat?

No. That would not be a side effect of gallbladder removal.

What is the medical term meaning removal of fat?

Also known as cholelithotomy, gallstone removal is a procedure that rids the gallbladder of calculus buildup.

If the gallbladder was removed due to gallstones. can still live without a gallbladder?

Yes we can. Removal of the gallbladder does not mean the patient cannot continue to have a normal life. However - a change in diet to a low-fat alternative would be advisable - as the bile produced by the gallbladder is used to process fat in our diet.

What does a gallbladder digest?

Fat -Stella

Can you eat pumpkin if you have a bad gallbladder?

You can, pumpkin is fat-free so should not aggrevate a bad gallbladder.

Is semen dangerous for someone with no gallbladder?

The gallbladder only produces bile to break down fats. Semen is not a fat. No gallbladder will have no negative or dangerous effect.

What does the gallbladder make?

Bile, to help with fat digestion.

What is digested in the gallbladder?

It releases bile which emulsifies fat.

How do you cope with dumping syndrome from gallbladder removal?

Eat frequent small meals after gallbladder removal. Grazing on natural foods like fruits and raw vegetables is most beneficial. - B. Latevola, RN In addition, try adding a little bit of healthy fat and protein to each meal, and increase calcium consumption to help slow down digestion.--CK, dumping syndrome sufferer

What is the main stimulus for bile secretion from the gallbladder?

Fat in the stomach.

What role does bile produced by the gallbladder fulfill?

Digesting fat.

What triggers the release of bile salts?

Bile salts are really necessary to break down fat into very small particles. No bile salts (after a gallbladder removal) and then eat a fatty meal, be ready to run to the bathroom!