

Are many sharks endangered

Updated: 10/9/2023
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7y ago

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grey nurse and great white shark are indangerd because their fins

they are cut of and the sharks drown

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Q: Are many sharks endangered
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Why sharks endangered?

They are endangered because to many people are killing the sharks for no reason.

Are sharks endangered or threatened mammals?

many Shark species are endangered but Sharks aren't mammals. Sharks are fish.

Are Atlantic Sharpnose Sharks endangered?

yes the Atlantic sharpnose sharks are endangered

Why are you carrying thresher sharks they are an endangered species?

No, thresher sharks aren't endangered.

Are sharks endangered or not?

Many species of shark are endangered and some are threatened. (Click Red list link below)

Endangered species that start with 's'?

Sharks are endangered.

How many whale sharks are left in the world?

There are approximately about 1,00,000 to 2,00,000 whale sharks left in the wild.

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WHY are the blue ways endangered?

Blue whales are endangered because they are attacked and eaten by sharks and killer whales. Many sharks also fall victim to run-ins with ships in the ocean. They are currently classified as endangered and efforts are underway to save them.

How are sharks still alive and not endangered?

All sharks are endangered because people are catching them in great numbers and cutting off their fins for sharks fin soup.

Why are some sharks endangered?

some sharks are endangered because humans keep killing them for there own uses or just for the sake of it.