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Yes It Is Always Reversibly Because Freezing Is Cold And If You Melt The Ice It Will Turn In To A Liquid

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11y ago
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1w ago

Melting, freezing, boiling, evaporating, and condensing can be reversible changes as they involve physical processes that involve changes in state of matter. However, other factors such as impurities, pressure, and temperature can also influence whether the changes are reversible or irreversible.

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8y ago

Yes, freezing water may be easily reversed by simply heating the ice.

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13y ago

reversible, once melted it can be frozen to become ice again

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4y ago

It is reversible because once an ice cub is melted into a liquid, you can freeze it again into a solid

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Q: Are melting freezing boiling evaporating and condensing always reversible changes?
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What is meant by reversible and irreversible action?

Reversible action refers to a process that can be undone or reversed, returning to the original state without any permanent changes. Irreversible action, on the other hand, signifies a process that cannot be undone, resulting in permanent changes or consequences.

Is freezing water a physical or chemical change?

Freezing (melting, boiling, condensing) are always phycal changes (of matter)

When boiling take place is the phase change a chemical or phsical change?

It is a physical change, the substance stay the same elements before and after the change, this is the same for all states of matter changes (melting, freezing, evaporating, condensing, and sublamation)

Which change of state is the opposite of boiling?

the melting point Melting is the opposite of freezing. Condensation is the opposite of boiling.

Is melting of ice a physical process?

Yes, changes of state (melting, boiling, freezing, condensing) are physical processes.

What are some examples non reversible changes?

1.Melting is an example of a reversible change. For example melted chocolate can be changed back into Solid chocolate by cooling.2. Freezing is an example of a reversible change. For example we can freeze orange juice to ice lollies . The ice lollies can be changed back into orange juice by heating.3.Boiling,Evaporating and Condensing for example. If you capture all the steam that is made when a kettle boils , you could turn it back by cooling it

What is an example of liquid to gas phase change equilibrium?

Water boiling to become steam is an example of a liquid to gas phase change.

What names are given to the changes in states of matter?

gas -> liquid = condensing liquid -> gas = evaporating liquid -> solid = freezing solid -> liquid = melting solid -> gas= sublimating liquid -> gas= boiling

What is freezing melting condensing evaporating boiling and vaporizing?

Freezing and melting are related. Freezing is going from a liquid to a solid, and melting is going from a solid to a liquid. The energy used for this phase change is called heat of fusion. Condensing and vaporizing are also related in a similar way. Condensing is going from a gas to a liquid and vaporization is going from a liquid to a gas. The energy used for this phase change is called heat of vaporization. Evaporation and boiling are similar. Both refer to the change of a liquid to a gas, but evaporation takes place on the surface of the liquid, and boiling takes place on the entire mass of the liquid.

What are the Changes of state?

There are three main states that a substance can exist as: solid, liquid and gas. The transition between these states occur when a substance is heated or cooled past their freezing/melting or boiling/condensing points. Solid -> Liquid = Melting Liquid -> Gas = Boiling Gas -> Liquid = Condensing Liquid -> Solid = Freezing

When the wax of a melting candle changes from solid to liquid this is a change.?

Melting is always physical, like boiling, freezing, condensing etc.

Everyday physical reactions?

Everyday physical reactions could include sweating when it's hot, shivering when it's cold, blinking to protect the eyes, and feeling hungry when blood sugar drops. These are automatic responses that help regulate body temperature, protect the body, and signal the need for nourishment.