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Firstly, pathogenic is not the opposite of anaerobic. The vast majority of bacteria are non-pathogenic, but this doesn't mean they are anaerobic.

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Q: Are most bacteria beneficial pathogenic or anaerobic?
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Are most pathogenic bacteria gram-negative?

Most Pathogenic bacteria are gram negative

Are pathogens bacteria?

Most bacteria are harmless, in fact a lot is beneficial. However, several are pathogenic, meaning they can cause infection. For example, Tuberculosis is caused by bacterium.

How can bacteria be both pathogenic and non pathogenic?

No. Almost all bacteria are not. There are bacteria everywhere performing essential functions like breaking down dead animals and plants. Bacteria are essential to health helping digest food and preventing pathogenic bacteria from getting out of control.

Where do anaerobic live?

Anaerobic bacteria are bacteria that do not live or grow in the presence of oxygen. In humans, these bacteria are most commonly found in the gastrointestinal tract.

Is it true that pathogenic bacteria out number helpful bacteria?

Yes, but most are weak and almost harmless.

Is intestinal bacteria harmful?

There are some bacteria that can cause intestinal disease. All humans have bacteria in their intestine but the bacteria is a good thing. One of the most prevalent bacteria in the human GI tract is E. coli. There are different strains of E. coli and not all of them are pathogenic. The bacteria inside the human GI tract is "normal Flora" and is beneficial to humans.

What bacteria produces energy without oxygen?

any kind of bacteria which fits under the "anaerobic" label. most use lactic acid fermentation. there are many kinds of bacteria and archaeobacteria which are anaerobic.

What temperature are most pathogenic bacteria?

in 5 degree c to 40 degree c

are Antibiotics are useful for limiting the growth of most pathogenic bacteria?

no, many bacteria have become resistant due to improper use of antibiotics.

Which of the following respiration pathways is this bacteria most likely to use?

anaerobic respiration

Why most of the gram-negative bacteria are pathogenic?

We hear more about Gram-negative pathogens (E. coli, Salmonella, etc.) because they make good news stories and are generally associated with transmission in improperly handled or prepared food. However, there are many pathogenic Gram positive bacteria as well - Staphlococcus (including MRSA), Streptococcus (such as strep throat), etc. Also, there are many Salmonella species that are non-pathogenic, as well as non-pathogenic E. coli, Enterobacteraceae, etc. So I'm not sure that most Gram negative bacteria are pathogenic.

How can you use the word pathogenic in a sentence?

If you do not seal a tin can correctly it can contain Pathogens, or deadly bacteria thatcan shut down the nervous system.