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conductor- metal (especially copper) is a great conductor of electricity. Silver is a great conductor of heat.

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Q: Are most metals conductor or insulators?
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Do non metals contuct heat?

Non metals do not conduct heat. They have high resistance.They are insulators.Non metals do not have a pool of 'free electrons' (as metals do with metallic bonds). Hence they generally are poor conductors of heat. Nonmetals such as Styrofoam are widely used as insulators. Graphite is an exception as it is a good conductor of heat with its free electrons.Most of the non metals does not conductors because the do not have free electrons. But graphite is a good conductor. Most of the non metals are insulators.

Is copper conductor or insulators?

Conductor, which is why it's used for wires.

Are metals thermal insulators?

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Is metal a good insulator?

No, metal is not a good insulator because it is a good conductor of heat and electricity. This means that metal allows heat and electricity to flow through it easily, rather than resisting or insulating against their transfer.

Do metals or non metals conduct heat better?

Metals are better conductors and non-metals are better insulators. Metalloids can be either a conductor or an insulator, it depends on the object.

Examples of insulators and conductors?

Insulators: wood, plastic Conductors: Copper, Gold

Plastic conductor or insulator?

Plastic is typically an insulator. Its molecular structure does not allow the free flow of electrons, which makes it a poor conductor of electricity. However, there are some types of plastics that have been engineered to conduct electricity by incorporating additives or altering their structure.

How are conductor and insulators similar?

Conductors are materials that allow energy such as heat and electricity to pass through while insulators prevent the energy to flow. Most metals are considered good conductors while rubber is a good insulator.

Is a copper penny a insulator?

Metals such as copper typify conductors, while most non-metallic solids are said to be good insulators. So no, a penny is a conductor, not an insulator.

Is a papeclip a conductor or insulator?

If something is a conductor or an insulator depends on the material, not its function. A metal paperclip will be a conductor, since metals are conductors. A plastic paperclip will be an insulator, since plastics generally are insulators.

Is a coin a condutor or insulators?

A coin is a conductor because it allows electricity to flow through it easily due to the presence of free electrons in the metal. This is why coins are often used in simple electrical circuits to demonstrate conductivity.

What items are insulators and conductor?

Conductors are materials that allow electrons to flow easily through it. Metals are the best examples of conductors. Insulators to the opposite; they don't like letting their electrons flow. Glass, rubber, and wood are some examples of insulators.