

Are nanites invented

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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NO they are not possible to build safely because the antimatter would explode the UNIVERSE and no one wants that

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Q: Are nanites invented
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Do nanites kill you?

No, never.

How does perfluorooctyl bromide supply oxygen to tissues?

It has tiny nanites in it that replace all the blood in a person's body. Unfortunately, the nanites soon develop conciousness, and take over the host.

Are nanites real?

Yes, there are Factories in America that make the Experimental Nanites in Science-Factories, it is a work in progress but there are Scientists that work and experiement with special materials to make a stable Metal-Nanite, have a look on Youtube and you shall see, make sure it isn't a science fiction video though, a Real Video

What is the strongest nanite in generator rex?

The strongest nanite is the omega-1 nanite with the ability to restore Rex's powers when flooded with nanites and it has a self replicating program as told to Rex by van kleiss in episode 212 otherwise know as written in sand the self replicating function allowed Rex to mass reproduce his own nanites back to there original level after ZAG-RS had stolen thousands of his nanites also it cleared out ZAG-RS's altercations or as bobo put "you ain't gonna wash out at high tide".

What can nanotechnolog be referred to?

Not sure I understand the question, however it has tremendous implications in medical care. Theoreticly, nanites can be introduced with programming to attack specific things such as tumors or rebuild tissue such as tendons

What does evo stand for in generator rex?

E.V.O stands for an Exponentialy.Variagated.Organism a term created by Dr. Holiday in the early days of providence. The term is attributed to the fact that the nanites are altering DNA and as Dr. Holiday put it "better then just spoiled meat". It does not mean evolution

Car is still on car lot?

I apoligize, but I'm afraid I don't comprehend what you are even trying to ask. Back in my day, if someone spoke nonsense, they would be given the title as King. Those were good times. I was King of the Intergalactic Supervision Force for 65 years. On my 65th anniversary, I had to fight an interplanetary battle, and I used my Omnitrix. Yes, it is real. The one the so-called Ben 10 uses is a type very similar to mine. In fact, I also developed nanites and caused the Nanite Event. Van Kleiss was my worthless lab assistant. All he would do is develop methods for splitting the double helix in nanite dna. I, on the other hand, was in charge of it. I used to own Abysus and the Castle was given to me by the ISF since I was a former monarch. Van Kleiss interfered when I was about to inject myself with nanites in my attempt to destroy all other scientists at the Applied Nanite Research Facility in Abysus. And a monstrous dawn of a new era it was, I was ripped out of my body, and was converted into nanites that composed all of Abysus together. Finally, when Cesar Salazar's Alpha-Nanite returned, it gave me a full body, and attempted to secure me the Omega-1 Nanite, that was designed to control all Nanites. Most unfortunately, Rex Salazar, that fool Cesar's brother, and son of Rafael and Violeta Salazar, defeated me. I am now powerful, as I have developed Van Kleiss's powers of machines, but I must destroy Rex Salazar. Well, I hope you have enjoyed this chat, and I most sincerely hope I have answered your question in its complexity and entirety. Have a wonderful life, and I will talk to you later. Thank you.

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