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Q: Are nerve tissues intercellular spaces filled with collagen?
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Are there intercellular spaces?

Yes, there are intercellular spaces which are usually used for gas exchange between the cells.

Plants that have air-filled spaces in their tissues are likely to be?

Aquatic plants.

What does the epithelial tissue lack?

intercellular spaces

What is the most abundant plant tissue with thin cell walls and intercellular spaces?

The most abundant plant tissue with thin cell walls and intercellular spaces

Why sclerenchyma does not has intercellular spaces?

because have dead cell at maturity

Are there intercellular spacesin the tissue?

Intercellular spaces are there for gas exchange between cells. Because of these spaces, cells deeper in the tissue can get the gas. If not, only the cells on the surface will get what they need.

What abnormal accumulation of fluid in the intercellular spaces of the body that is localized or diffused is referred to as?


What is the purpose of intercellular spaces in plant cells?

to let gases go from 1 cell to another

The movement of a gas into moist intercellular spaces through stomates is an adaptation for respiration in?


Difference between meristematic tissue and permanent tissue?

Meristematic Tissue:1.These tissues have the capacity to divide.2.They have thin cellulose wall.3.They produce permanent tissues.4.They contain many small vacuoles in their cytoplasm.5.They do not have intercellular spaces.6.They contain dense cytoplasm with prominent nucleus.7.They are responsible for primary and secondary growth of plants.Permanent Tissue:1.These tissues have lost the capacity of division.2.They have thick cellulose wall.3.They are produced by meristematic tissue.4.They contain only a single large vacuole in their cytoplasm.5.They have large intercellular spaces.6.They contain thin cytoplasm with normal nucleus.7.These tissues add to various growth.

What does the spongy layer of a privet leaf do?

Spongy Layer - A layer of the mesophyll. The spongy layer consists of chloroplasts and parenchyma cells, and relatively large intercellular spaces. It is far less ordered than the palisade layer, and the intercellular spaces are important in gas exchange and transpiration.

What fills the space between cells?

The spaces between cells are pores or air spaces. These spaces are scientifically called intercellular or extracellular spaces or material.