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Q: Are not examples of centripetal acceleration Check all that apply.?
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What is centripetal force and centrifugal force examples in dailylife?

Centripetal force is the force necessary to apply to an object to get it to orbit; like spinning a rock on a string. It you are holding on to the string, you will feel a centrifugal force.

Give five examples of acceleration?

1) To move a standing object we need to apply force and to stop a moving object we need to apply brakes. 2) Car

Centripetal Force is that force which we apply on the object?

Centripetal force is a force that keeps an object inwards, in the case of circular motion or similar.

What are examples of acceleration in science?

a=g=-9.81m/s^2 on earth. Of course if you want to apply this principle to an actual problem, you need to factor in wind resistance.

How does velocity and acceleration apply to swimming?


What is needed to apply force to an object?


In order to cause a moving body to pursue a circular path it is necessary to apply what?

You must apply a force towards the centre of the circle. This is called a centripetal force.

What do you do to achieve acceleration?

You need to apply a force F to a mass m to achieve acceleration a; F = ma

When you use a force to change the motion of an object you do?

Apply acceleration.

How can you change the acceleration of an object?

Apply some force to the object.

How does acceleration apply to soccer?

Acceleration is a key aspect of soccer. Players need speed to get past defenders and have a shot on goal.

How are acceleration and force the same?

Force and acceleration are NOT the same. If you apply a net force to an object, it causes the object to accelerate. The amount of acceleration depends on the force and the mass of the object. Force = mass x acceleration.