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opiates are narcotics

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Q: Are opiates and narcotics the same?
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Will niacin clean yur system of narcotics?

Not of opiates, sorry.

What classification of drugs do morphine and codeine belong too too?

Well in a legal sense Morphine is a scheldual 1 narcotic. it in the medical term is an opiate. AKA a strong pain killer.

What is a synonyms of the word dope?

drugs, narcotics, opiates idiot, fool, dimwit, simpleton, dunce, nitwit

Will hydrocodone test positive for narcotics in laboratory urine test?

Yes, Hydrocodone will test positive on a drug test for opiates and opiates are narcotics. If you have a drug test and you are being prescribed hydrocodone just take your bottle with you to the drug test and let the examiner see it . If you are not prescribed hydrocodone then you will fail the test.

Can narcotics show up in an hair follicle test?

Suprisingly yes, Any hair follicle test will test for all types of drugs: hallucinogens, narcotics, opiates, depressents and will show up.

What are the different kinds of depressants?

Alocohol, Heorin, tranquilizers, opiates(narcotics), sedatives... there are over 100 different kinds of drugs

When did heroin become illegal in the US?

1914, narcotics act of 1914 or referred to as the the Harrison act banning all opiates 1914, narcotics act of 1914 or known as the Harrison act banning 4 opiates, visit

Can you pass a urine test for opiates on Wednesday if you did Oxycontin on Sunday?

Yes. You can . Generally, narcotics are testable in the urine for around 72 hours.

How do opiates and narcotics affectthe nervous system?

The nervous system produces its own version of morphine. (endorphins, dynophins, enkephalin, etc.) These intrinsic opiates act at different opiate receptors(mu, beta, and kappa receptors). Extrinsic opiates, like morphine, also fit into these receptors and result in the same effects as intrinsic body opiates.(morphine's pain relieving effects are mostly due to interaction with the mu opiate receptor). Hope that helps

Are all narcotics made from opium?

No, not all narcotics are made from opium; some are synthetic. Here is a relevant quote that I looked up for you: Synthetic opioids these drugs are completely man made and are not chemically related to opiates. Examples include methadone, fentanyl, dextropropoxyphene, tramadol, and pethidine (called meperidine in US). Synthetic opioids will NOT be detected in a test for opiates.

Will lamotrigine show up in a urine test?

Lamotrigine will not show up in a urine test, as the only narcotics are tested for. These narcotics include opiates, marijuana, cocaine, meth, etc. Lamotrigine is primarily used for an anticonvulsant, and mood stabilizer.

Are opioids the same as narcotics?
