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Dinoflagellates are both autotroph and heterotroph.

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Q: Are radiolarians autotrophs or heterotrophs
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Why autotrophs depend on heterotrophs?

Autotrophs depend on heterotrophs for minerals

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What is the difference between heterotrophs and autotrophs?

Heterotrophs respond to their surroundings, while autotrophs do not., , , , Heterotrophs respond to their surroundings, while autotrophs do not.,Heterotrophs grow in multiple places, while autotrophs do not., , , , Heterotrophs grow in multiple places, while autotrophs do not.,Heterotrophs get nutrition by eating, while autotrophs make their own food., , , , Heterotrophs get nutrition by eating, while autotrophs make their own food.,

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What is the difference between autotrophs and heterotrophs and saprotrophs?

Autotrophs are organisms that can produce their own food using energy from the sun or inorganic compounds. Heterotrophs are organisms that cannot produce their own food and must obtain nutrients by consuming other organisms. Saprotrophs are organisms that obtain nutrients by decomposing dead organic matter.

Are fungus autotrophs or heterotrophs?

Heterotrophs :D

Is fungi autotrophs or heterotrophs?

The answer is ......... Heterotroph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are jellyfish autotrophs or heterotrophs?

Jellyfish are heterotrophs, meaning they obtain their energy by consuming other organisms. They primarily eat plankton, fish eggs, and small fish.

Are mackerel autotrophs or heterotrophs?


Do heterotrophs support autotrophs in the food chain?

Yes, heterotrophs support autotrophs in the food chain by consuming them and recycling nutrients back into the environment through their waste. This process helps to provide essential elements for autotrophs to continue growing and producing energy through photosynthesis.

Is a humam an heterotrophs?

Humans are heterotrophs Plants are autotrophs

Why do autotrophs depend on heterotrophs?

heterotrophs and autotrophs depend on each when heterotrophs obtain food by decomposing other organisms. To live, all organisms, including plants, must release the energy in sugars and other compounds.