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Pigs have ribs, but the ribs that we eat are not necessarily from pigs, cattle are also a source of ribs.

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13y ago

No. Most pigs have 16 or 17 ribs.

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Can the sex of a baby be told by the number of ribs?

No. We all have the same number of ribs.

How many ribs do men and women have?

men and women have the same number of rib bones, 7 true ribs, 5 false ribs, and 2 floating ribs that don't go all the way around and connect to the sternum.24 for both....Boys and girls have the same number of ribs, 12 pairs. The idea that boys have fewer ribs comes from the biblical story of the creation in Genesis where God supposedly made Eve from one of Adam's ribs.

Does a pig have a spleen?

yes it indeed does, without a spleen a pig would be lifeless

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no it does not

What does it mean to have 23 ribs?

It means that you are missing one. Most people have 24 ribs. But, not all people have the same number of bones. Some have a one or two less, and some even have a few more than others.

Are all guinea pigs different?

Yes , all guinea pigs are different. They vary in personality , looks and in intelligence. No two guinea pigs are the same.

What do American guinea pigs eat?

All breeds of guinea pigs eat the same thing.

What part of the pigs body is the susage come from?

Sausage comes from meat from all parts of the hog that are not used for other cuts such as chops, bacon, ribs.

How many ribs does male have according to bible?

The Bible doesn't say that men have a certain number of ribs. Adam had a rib taken from him to make Eve, but the men after him were fine. They had all their ribs.

Does all reptiles have ribs or not?

no all reptiles does not have ribs

How are pigs born?

The same way all mamals are born.