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Q: Are soaps and detergents biodegradable
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What are the problems caused by the early detergents?

"early detergents were not biodegradable like soap, they became a public nuisance, causing sewage problems."

Why are most laundry products detergents instead of soaps?

They are the same thing, just with differing names. Soaps are detergents and detergents are soaps. The names have become associated with their different uses. Soaps are now primarily used to refer to soaps/detergents used on the body, while detergents have comes to mean soaps/detergents used for things other than cleansing the body, such as dish detergents.

Are detergent biodegradable?

Now detergents are biodegradable.

What are the disadvantages of synthetic detergents?

Detergents are not biodegradable because they have highly branched hydrocarbon chain which is not biodegradable.

Give an example of biodegradable and non-biodegradable detergents?

Detergents that can be degraded by bacteria are called biodegradable detergents. Such detergents have straight hydrocarbon chains. For example: sodium lauryl sulphate Detergents that cannot be degraded by bacteria are called non-biodegradable detergents. Such detergents have highly-branched hydrocarbon chains. For example: sodium -4- (1, 3, 5, 7- tetra methyl octyl) benzene sulphonate

What are the advantages and disadvantages of soaps and detergents?

An advantage of detergent is that is cleans things. If its laundry detergent it helps clean clothes. If its dish detergent it helps clean dishes. A disadvantage of a detergent is that it is not biodegradable. They have a hydrocarbon chain which makes it biodegradable.

Can you use soaps and synthetic detergents to check the hardness of water?

Soaps get precipitated as insoluble calcium and magnesium soaps in hard water but detergents do not. Therefore, soaps but not synthetic detergents can be used to check the hardness of water.

What are soaps and detergents?


What detergents are invert soaps?

soaps having a chiral nitrogen are invert soaps

What are the Problems of soaps and detergent industry?

look on wikipedia soaps and detergents

What are the disadvantages of soapless detergents?

some soapless detergents are non-biodegradable

Advantage of soaps over synthetic detergents?

Soaps and detergents act differently in hard water and soft water respectively..over use of detergents causes water pollution wich can be avoided by using soaps...........wich causes much less pollution.