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I am pretty sure that it depends on the country, as well as the specific school.

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1mo ago

Yes, students are allowed to debate topics such as gay rights in school as part of their freedom of speech and expression. However, schools may have guidelines in place to ensure that such discussions are respectful and constructive. Teachers and administrators may also facilitate these debates to ensure that all students feel safe and heard.

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Continue Learning about Religious Studies

How many students go to st ignatius?

There are approximately 1,500 students enrolled at St. Ignatius High School.

Do you have to wear uniforms for pius xi high school?

Yes, students at Pius XI High School are required to wear uniforms. Uniform guidelines typically include specific colors, styles, and pieces of clothing that students must wear while attending school.

What do Muslims do at school?

At school, Muslims participate in classes, study and do activities like all other students. They may also take breaks for prayer, depending on the time of day. Some schools may have designated prayer rooms for Muslim students.

Are you allowed to wear religious symbols in French schools?

In French public schools, the wearing of any religious symbols, including headscarves, crosses, and yarmulkes, is prohibited. This law applies to both students and teachers in educational institutions funded by the government. However, private schools have more flexibility in setting their own policies regarding religious symbols.

Is god allowed in schools?

In public schools in the United States, the separation of church and state typically restricts the promotion or endorsement of any specific religious beliefs, including those related to God. However, students are generally permitted to engage in personal religious activities and expression so long as it does not disrupt the educational environment or infringe upon the rights of others. Displays or discussions about God may be allowed in private schools or in certain educational contexts.

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if students or parents request, then it could be allowed but it is not that mandatory. happy if it helped.

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