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Absolutely ! There are more underage (and therefore ILLEGAL) pregnancies than ever before ! KIDS have no morality these days - yet they expect the state to pick up the tab !

Answer:Underage does not necessarily mean illegal. If they have reached the age of consent sex is not illegal.

90% have sex before marriage and it has been like that since the 1940's when they began keeping notes. I doubt there are more pregnancies, it's just that we hear more about pregnancies and abortions today. It hasn't always been legal. More teen pregnancies is also due to no sex education. That is clear after comparing to other countries and also to US states where the rate is higher in states with abstinence only being taught. And state governments decide what to teach.

So it depends what you mean by immoral. Having sex before marriage is not something everyone find immoral. Stealing, selling drugs etc is something I would call immoral when I hear about people dying for a mobile phone. Drugs have increased and I don't think we can blame kids for that, that is the adults and government who create certain living environments where you can't get a job that pays enough but have to have 3 OR...make a living selling drugs. Teens see their idols making a quick million and flaunt their stuff and when they do something illegal they get away with it. Of course they want to be like them.

So I don't think they are more immoral. They are living to fit into the society adults have created. That's what kids do.

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1mo ago

There is no evidence to suggest that teenagers today are more immoral than previous generations. Moral standards and values may evolve over time, but teenagers face unique challenges in today's world such as social media, technology, and increased exposure to different cultures and beliefs. It's important to avoid broad generalizations and recognize that individuals within any generation can vary greatly in their morals and values.

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