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Q: Are the bones of the ribcage considered long bones?
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Is a long bone the ribcage?

The ribcage doesn't include any long bones.

What is a Long bones?

i think it is the thigh bone... just gonna add on to your answer your right though the longest bone is the femur. If you are looking for what the long bones are they are the Bones of the thigh, the bones of the forearms, bones of the fingers and bones of the legs. Your Ribcage bones are NOT long bones.

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What are snakes ivertabrate or vertabrates?

Snakes are vertibrates my brother. The only bones they have is a spine, & a very long ribcage.

Which bones protect your Heratlungsand liver?

Your ribcage.

What are breast bones?

The breast bone is actually between the breast and is called the sternum. The bones beneath the breast are the ribcage

What are several examples of long short flat and irregular bones?

A long bone is described as being longer than it is wide, The femur and the tibia are the load carriers and the best known long bones. They are responsible for providing structure, strength and mobility.

What are the horses ribcage bones in a horse called?

Ribs, just like with any other animal. But if you're talking about the ribcage as a whole from the outside, that would be the barrel.

Are phalanges and metacarpals considered long bones?


What are the bones that form a cage around the chest?

rib cage thachea

Is the heart a bone?

No. The heart is an organ, not a bone, however, the ribcage surrounding it is made up of a collection of bones.

What are the breast?

The breast bone is actually between the breast and is called the sternum. The bones beneath the breast are the ribcage