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Q: Are the first amendment freedoms limited by rule of law?
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Who has the final rule on the first amendment freedoms?

Supreme Court

Is it a rule in US a president cannot be elected for third time?

Yes presidents are limited to two terms now as of the passing of the 22nd amendment.

What is constitutional values?

dignity, freedoms, rights, equity, rule of law

What are the freedoms of a citizen?

Democracy is rule by the people. You get the freedom of choice as you get to vote what you want.

What democratic principle of the constitution allows people to create change or alter government?

The answer is (popular sovereignty): People have a right to rule themselves. "article and Amendment"

What is it called when you change a rule in the Constitution?


What does amendment mean?

A change to a law or a rule.

Distinguish between democratic and nondemocratic conditions?

Democratic conditions generally involve free and fair elections, protection of basic human rights and freedoms, rule of law, separation of powers, and government accountability to the people. In contrast, nondemocratic conditions can involve restrictions on political participation, lack of respect for human rights, authoritarian rule, censorship, limited political freedoms, and lack of transparency in governance.

What Amendment protects against unlawful search and seizure and was used to create the exclusionary rule?

Fourth Amendment

Which Principle Expresses That Government Is Bound By The Rule Of Law?

limited government

The constitution expressly provides for the exclusionary rule in?

Fourth Amendment

What is the 13th amendment called?

Anti Slavery Rule of 1865