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Q: Are the javanese and balinese instruments made of wood or metal?
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Are the Javanese's and Balinese instruments are made of wood or metal?


Are their instruments are wood or metal of Javanese and Balinese?

letichde lemrida pesilina westremani dinta

Are javanese and balinese instrument made of metal or wood?


Are there instruments made of metal or wood?

Yes most Musical Instruments are either made of wood or metal or both. For example a piano is made of wood and has metal strings and other metal parts Some instruments are made entirely of metal eg Trumpet

Are their instruments made of wood or metal in ensemble?


What is a gangsa made of?

A gangsa is a type of metallophone which is used mainly in Balinese and Javanese Gamelan music. In Balinese gong kebyar styles, there are two types of gangsa typically used: the smaller, higher pitched kantilan and the larger pemade. Each instrument consists of several tuned metal bars (either iron or bronze) each placed over an individual resonator. The bars are hit with a wooden panggul, each producing a different pitch.

Are there instrument made of or metal?

Yes most Musical Instruments are either made of wood or metal or both. For example a piano is made of wood and has metal strings and other metal parts Some instruments are made entirely of metal eg Trumpet

Are there made of wood or metal?

Yes most Musical Instruments are either made of wood or metal or both. For example a piano is made of wood and has metal strings and other metal parts Some instruments are made entirely of metal eg Trumpet

Are there instruments made from wood or metal?

Yes there are. In fact, most are. There are very few instruments that are primarily made of other materials. Guitars and violins are made of wood and some drums are made of metal. If you want to speak of irony and confusion, there are "brass instruments" that are made of wood, and "woodwind instruments" made of brass.

How are brass instruments made?

With brass metal molded

Are there instruments made of wood and metal?

Yes, lots of them.

What type of metal are the hospital instruments made from?

Stainless steel.