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The puzzles can be really hard in the Professor Layton Games depending on your age group and the way you play. Many people find them quite challenging.

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Q: Are the puzzles really hard in the Professor Layton games?
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Related questions

How many games are there in Professor Layton and Pandora's Box?

There are 138 puzzles/games on professor Layton and Pandora's box.

What is a question in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box?

Questions! Professor Layton's puzzles asks you questions, each time you come across one of the puzzles, these puzzles require that you find the answer before you can complete any of the games.

What is the order of the game in Professor Layton and Pandora's Box?

The Professor Layton games do not come in any regular order, you just need to solve the puzzles in whatever order they come in, the important bit is finding them?

What are the answer to all the puzzles in Prof Layton and The Lost?

You could try asking Google or one of the many other search engines to look for a walkthrough to the Professor Layton Games.

What are the Professor Layton games?

The Professor Layton games are at your local video game store.

What are the three Professor Layton Games in the UK?

Professor Layton Games released in the UK. 1st Game is: Professor Layton and The Curious Village. 2nd Game is: Professor Layton and Pandora's Box. 3rd Game is: Professor Layton and The Lost Future.

Is Professor Layton and the Curious Village based on a book?

No, it isn't The Professor Layton games are original works created by Level 5 CEO Akihiro Hino and was influenced by his childhood love of puzzles and puzzle books The original concept of the game was that it would simply be a collection of puzzles, with the idea of wrapping the puzzles inside a character based mystery story coming later

Where can you buy Professor Layton and the Devils Box?

The game can be purchased in a japan format on EBay It is the name of Professor Layton's second game used in Japan. You will need to locate and purchase an additional CD which will allow you to play games from Japan on your DS. The USA game title is Professor Layton and the diabolical Box and can be purchased on with shipment on it's release date of Aug 24 2009. The UK title appears to be Professor Layton and Pandora's Box. On the games of Professor Layton and the curious village their were differences in the puzzles solutions which were released in Japan, England and the USA. That may be the reason for the release of different titles in each market for the second edition of Professor Layton Games.

What game consoles can the Professor Layton games be played on?

The Professor Layton games can be played on different game consoles. Some of the game consoles that support the Professor Layton games are Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo DS.

Who created all of the Professor Layton games?

Level 5 created the Layton games

What are the names of the Professor Layton games?

In chronological order: Professor Layton and the Specter's Flute/ Devil's Flute Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva (MOVIE) Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle (only for 3DS) Professor Layton and the Curious Village Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box Professor Layton and the Lost Future/ Unwound Future In order the games/movies came out (in UK): Professor Layton and the Curious Village Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box Professor Layton and the Lost Future/ Unwound Future Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva (MOVIE) Professor Layton and the Specter's Flute/ Devil's Flute Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle (only for 3DS) There is also a crossover game that might be coming out where Level-5 (for Professor Layton) and Capcom (for Ace Attorney) join forces in Professor Layton VS. Ace Attorney (this game is only for 3DS). Hope this helped, and happy puzzle solving! :)

Is Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box the same game as Pandora's Box?

Professor Layton and The Diabolical Box is the (US) Title of the game. Professor Layton and Pandora's Box is the (UK) Title of the game. Most of the puzzles have the same answer, However, some of the puzzles have different answers, (US) version and (UK) version, where this applies WikiAnswers will supply you with both versions of the answer. Professor Layton and the unwound future (US) Plus: Professor Layton and the Lost future (UK) are the same game which in some cases have a different version of the puzzle and answer.