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No, those are two different words. The word staunch means resolute, or reliable, usually in the context of being a staunch ally. The word stanch means to stop, usually in the context of bleeding. You can stanch a wound.

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Q: Are the words staunch and stanch the same?
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What does stanch mean?

Staunch-stop the flow of a liquid

What is a sentence using the word staunch?

The United States is a staunch ally of Great Britain.This is an adjective meaning steadfastly or strongly loyal.It can also be used as a verb as in the following:Mary used a towel to staunch the flow of blood from the cut on her arm.This means to slow down or stop the flow of something. It is a variation in spelling for the word stanch.

What is a sentence using the word stanch?

The doctors worked hard to stanch the flow of blow from the wound.

What does staunch mean almost the same as?

it means loyal or faithful :)

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What rhymes with avalanche?

runny ranch There are no perfect rhymes for avalanche, but you could try words that end in "anch," such as: branch, ranch, blanch, stanch, tree branch,

What is a sentence using staunch?

The senator is known to be a staunch supporter of your firm.

What is the definition of staunch?

The definition of staunch is a loyal or faithful person.

What is the homophone for 'stench'?

The homophone for "stench" is "stanch."

What is the definition for staunch?

The definition of staunch is a loyal or faithful person or thing.

What does staunch mean?

staunch/stɔntʃ, stɑntʃ/[stawnch, stahnch] -adjective, -er, -est.1.firm or steadfast in principle, adherence, loyalty, etc., as a person: a staunch Republican; a staunch friend.2.characterized by firmness, steadfastness, or loyalty: He delivered a staunch defense of the government.3.strong; substantial: a staunch little hut in the woods.4.impervious to water or other liquids; watertight: a staunch vessel.

What is a sentence for stanch?

u j u s t d i d