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No need to worry. Worms are small creatures and if accidentally eaten can be destroyed by acid in the stomach.

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Q: Are the worms in plums harmful if accidentally eaten?
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What happens if you accidentally ingest worms in packaged food?

Have a laugh and get on with your life. You've eaten more worms, rodent hair and droppings, and insect parts than you would ever want to know. Not much - they make you feel a bit sick but otherwise there should be no other harmful side effects.

Why do worms get in your plums as they begin to ripen?

that's what worms eat. you can spray to kill the bugs, though.

Which worms are harmful?

the truth is thers no harmful worms. even they look gross and that stuff there not harmful.

How are worms harmful?

Worms can be harmful if they are ingested and become parasitic in the body. These worms can actually create holes in the intestines or the stomach and kill the host.

Are guava worms harmful to health?

yaa its very harmful

What is the climax of the book how to eat fried worms?

Billy eats the ten worms but Joe tried to cheat so that Billy would not win the bet. Billy sees Joe's brother bully Joe and decides to confess that one of the worms was eaten by someone else accidentally. So no one won the bet.

What do worms get eaten buy?

alot of stuff

What do worms do?

Slide around,eat dirt,or get eaten.

Can slow worms be harmful to pets?

Some worms can bite.

Why are worms harmful?

Depends on what type they are and where you find them. Worms in the soil and in compost heaps are a good thing. Worms in fruit and vegetables aren't nice, if you were planning to eat that stuff.

Are white worms harmful to your dog?

Any kind of worm is harmful to your dog and you should take him to a vet to be treated if he is exhibiting signs of worms.

Treatment for plums with worms in fruit?

the "worms" are most likely fruit fly larvae. for a tree in the garden get a 30-50 mesh net, for a farm plot look for mass trapping or SIT