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There are already flying cars. They are just not used in commonwealth.

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Q: Are their going to be flying cars in the future?
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Is there going to be flying cars-in the future?

yes.hopfully in 2015

What are some cool things that are going to exist in the future?

flying cars.

Will there be a flying car in the future?

There are flying cars now. Google "Flying Cars".

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Some people say for A better life or better future. Flying cars, They say that going to be in the Future. That is your answer, Better life or future :)

When will you have flying cars in the future?

The concept and execution of flying cars is very feasible today and in fact they have already been built. But the reality is that, for the near future, it is not going to happen. There are some really big problems with a flying car. Imagine the engine stalling in mid-flight. You will not just be embarrassed you will die. Also flying cars are very noisy to operate and expensive to buy. IMO, flying cars will never, ever, become common place. Also, who is going to control the added air traffic?

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Will people have flying cars in the future?

Flying cars have been a reality since the 1950. see link

Will cars be flying in the future?

Roadable aircraft (also referred to as flying cars) are out there now, mostly as prototypes.

Will they make flying cars in the future?

Probably yes

What are some new technology for the future?

Flying cars.

Will there be flying cars in future?

Nobody knows if it is true but you never know somebody might invent flying cars any day.dfdgdghcadsgbdaferhfvferfgermhbvmdfhgbvefnhrgtffdnhgttrfernhyhjgrnhjghmghrmgfernhgfrgrhgfehfrgfergferjygfrenhgferhjgferjgfer fgfxhdbffgfxhdbfI also think that it depends on the things we know in the future

Are there going to fliyng cars in the future?

Yes. But there are flying cars expected to come onto market by the end of 2011 (Search Terrafugia). There are also street legal autogyros and ultralights you can build from a kit.