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Q: Are there any countries that currently have a surplus of water?
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Is there any countries still on the gold standard?

No. Currently may countries have central banks that hold gold. But no countries are using gold as an official means of exchange and no countries are backing their currency with gold.

What is consumer surplus?

Consumer surplus can be used frequently when analyzing the impact of government intervention in any market

What are surplus goods?

Surplus goods refers to the profit made in an economy, these goods could be any number of things eg money, resources .... Surplus goods are the result of an efficient economy usually one that is a free market economy

What is meant by surplus?

Being more than or in excess of what is needed or required. In accounting a non-profit organisation does not make a profit; any excess income over expenditure is called a Surplus instead.

True or False If a local Christmas tree farmer is earning a producer surplus on each Christmas tree he sells then his customers cannot enjoy any consumer surplus on the Christmas trees they buy?

False. It depends on the price consumers are willing to pay for the producer's Christmas tree. For example, if the producer is willing to sell his tree at $3 but the market price is $5, then the surplus for the producer is $2. Say, a consumer is willing to buy the tree at $15, then the consumer surplus us $10. Remember that the consumer surplus is the are under the demand curve and above the horizontal line passing through the equilibrium price. As long as this area exists, then it is possible for consumers to enjoy a consumer surplus.

Related questions

Are there any countries that have a surplus of water?

Yes there are mainly found in south America as well as north.

What is landform of surplus farming?

Surplus farming is not a landform. A surplus is a quantity greater than required, it is possible to have a surplus from any fertile ground.

Why is surplus important?

Surplus is important because the Hopi barely had food so they stored any surplus food

How has the resources such as oil and water affect the development of Lebanon?

Lebanon is forced to import oil from neigbhoring Arab countries because it doesn't have any oil reserves. as for water Lebanon is a water surplus country in a water deficit region.all of Lebanon's rivers come from inside the country. Lebanon is surrounded by other countries with deserts. unfortunately up until recently the lebanese took the water for granted and didn't build many dams. israel'covetness of Lebanon's water is very well knows.

What two countries are not on any body of water?

There are no countries that are not on bodies of water because the land is built from about 1,000 miles beneath the water and up.

Is there any countries still on the gold standard?

No. Currently may countries have central banks that hold gold. But no countries are using gold as an official means of exchange and no countries are backing their currency with gold.

Is Sailor Moon airing in any country currently?

As far as I know, NO, Sailor Moon is not currently airing in any countries. But who cares if you can't watch it on TV, that's what sites such as and are for!

What is consumer surplus?

Consumer surplus can be used frequently when analyzing the impact of government intervention in any market

Is Gabon currently in a war?

Gabon is not in any wars, in fact at this time is one of the most peaceful countries in Africa.

Is there any countries or bodies of water around Cuba?


What two countries that border France are not surrounded by water?

Switzerland and Luxembourg do not have any water around them.

What is a good sentence using the word surplus?

I believe that any surplus money the government has would be better spent on helping people on Earth.